
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to Rsixshter's message

Totally agree! Revenue! Sign a deal! What I got from the verbage at the meeting was that they are going to focus on what will make us money.... and let go or reduce efforts on things that will not bring in significant revenue. Thus, less effort on old lawsuits with expiring patents. Some real effort on Nunchi, but that is plagued with lawsuits ( once again our tech is in legal limbo.. " I know let's send out all the tech to all the companies and let them in on our secret formula. We'll have patents to protect us... UGH" ). I'm not saying Nunchi efforts are being abandoned, just that they recognize that legal stuff will cause delays and there is risk of things not going our way. And with Micro Signet?? Sort of mixed with Nunchi and somewhat ahead of Nunchi so who knows how that effort plays, IMO. And that leads me to say that Pluto is "top secret". It's a code word for .... something... and I don't think they are going to send out all the info to the other big players this time. They are going to focus on PLUTO. Put their effort on Pluto. From the meeting I got that vibe/message that Pluto can generate revenue almost imediately if they get it going ( a partner or a sale of tech? ). The comments about announcing something when... well another grey area of sale or partner because no mention of a deal yet. But Pluto seemed to me the place they suggested would be their big focus of energy and time because it could be desirable to the industry and make us money the fastest ( no lengthly legal complications ).

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