
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to doni's message

Doni in reading your post regarding the debacle in Colorado involving the Flash Patents. The Judge Opinion was the starting point of our troubles IMHO. Next came the CE in California Southern District IMHO. I am older than I was in 1998 therefore my memory isn't as sharp as it once was in retaining how it all occurred. The direction in achieving the company milestones is my point. Discussion regarding the projectors in the near term Nunchi, Microsignet and project Pluto areas of interest to you and me. The nearest hurdles as far as I can see is the Northern District Court Opinions on the Nunchi Patents. IMHO they are particularly important. The Inter Parties Review, IPR has been cited as being submitted in another venue for consideration, but not yet accepted. If accepted in my understanding they have as long as one year to reach a decision. That one year could be extended for another six months with just cause. Now Doni with that being a posibility or occurring the company in my listening in on the "vertual shareholders meeting " and understanding of it project Pluto was said to have posibilities in bringing revenues. IMHO those revenues could be captured ahead of Microsignet and possibly Nunchi. As I mentioned before those are my interpretations of listening to the shareholders meeting. Each shareholders interpretation may differ one way or another. The real meat on the bones is which bone can provide revenue at the quickest pace and be our pacemaker. I want to follow the events not of the necessary litigation but of the necessary revenue sources.

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