
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to sunpoop's message

Frank, first, good to hear you are out of the hospital and back at the keyboard where you belong, and regardless how chipper you are or are not feeling, the fact that you won't sink to the level of RB and those you mentioned says a lot about your character.

To me and many others I am sure, you are one of the true assets of this board.

HOWEVER, lol, this is no longer the EDIG of debt financing, dilution and empty promises of Key patents playing the waiting game to see the light of day. Certainly EDIG had the vision and the patience to see us to this day but it took longer than we all expected and more than many could take.

But today EDIG has entered intio new territory. It's not just one or two settlements with promises for more but 26 with 7 done and 5 expected to settle shortly. That's a BIGTIME change of direction.

Patent monetization and validation is well underway. Companies who never heard of EDIG or the Flash Patent portfolio are now being called on the carpet.

The very, very early results are in and they not only, at these lower levels, generate a profit to EDIG but point to a lot more of that coming.

Just look how very different EDIG is even from just a month ago...from winding down round 1 to tripling the number in round 2 and now looking at early settlements.

Most IP litigation is focused on one or several infringers....EDIG has over 170 on a 5 year plan....that will be pretty explosive for an otcbb.

Good to see you back, sorry you aren't quite as enthusiastic as usual, but I suspect within 2-6 months you will be back on top of your game, enjoying events unfolding as you might have once imagined.

Happy investing and GO EDIG !!!!!!!!


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