
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to emma's message

The reason I did not attend this SHM was because last week I had already written what was to happen. Don't get me wrong I still bleed EDig blue and will never become a Dinkie or LL and I will be ecstatic when/if success comes our way but I have read all the reports of the meeting yesterday and don't find much different from last years report or the one prior to that.

Same O Same O.

High enthusiasm, which I get from Robert every time I drop in to see him, great things in the future, get me all excited till I visit him 2 months later and ask him when are all the good events transpiring??? Soon, Soon.....All of you have heard that word, ad nauseum....

By the way just what is EDig working on with the employees down 40% 15 employees quite recently less 40% leaves 9 warm bodies. I know of 4 who are not engineers, that leaves 5 (maybe) engineers working on something. Not a vibrant, coming out with new eVu's or anything else for that matter.

Also if these 19 new infringers are being sued for a lot more this time around than the previous 7 what makes anyone think that will be successful?

Tell me # 1 new infringer being sued for, say, $3 to $5 million finding out (and they will) what Samsung settled for and is jumping at the chance to fork over 3 or 5 times as much.......SAMSUNG MY GOD......SETTLING FOR LESS THAN THE OTHER 6 WHOM IT COULD BUY OUT OF PETTY CASH...... Just what do you think #1 will do?

The IFE business is in the tank. No company is going to grow and expand with its only business being an eVu or the like for airline consumption. Therefore EDig has only one profit producing product to its name to grow and expand and increase the PPS and that's suing for misuse of its patents. That's all.....PATENTS.....PATENTS......

If past experience is any clue to future actions than we are in trouble....I DO NOT BUY THE REASONING OF SETTLING WITH THE FIRST 7 INFRINGERS TO SET UP THE SECOND ROUND AND THEREFORE THEY SETTLED FOR LESS THAN THEY ARE GOING TO SETTLE FOR THIS TIME AROUND........MY GOD......LG, SAMSUNG.......WHAT ARE THESE, chicken feed companies and they got less from the biggest than from any of the others......

Just what are EDig's objectives?? It doesn't appear increasing the PPS is high on the list.

I just got out of the hospital and the reason I went in WAS NOT TO FIX MY NOSE.

This smells or should I say, has the same aroma we have all been smelling for years....

Still believing in miracles but then again I voted for MCCain.....

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