Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to Qbert's message

Qbert, Since you mentioned me in your post I will try to answer in generalities. I have little problem with Smoky making his points but it is the reiterating over and over again of the same message that is not necessary. Smoky is not a stupid man. There is NOTHING, however, that he has to say that has even a bit of a positive tone. He seems to make out that this is the worst commodity company on the venture exchange. Nothing is all black. We shareholders obviously have a different opinion or we would have sold our shares or never bought them in in the first place. The recent drop in the share price has everyone second guessing themselves. This is a normal reaction. My personal feeling is that things will turn around. It's all about time. ZEN, with it's falling price can be due to many outside and inside forces. We must first remember that we are in the midst of tax selling season. We are, at this point in time, also in a generalized commodity meltdown. Look at the prices of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, gold, nickle, grains, and copper to name just a few. Look at the share values of companies in the commodity sector. A great great many have slid just like ZEN. We have had little or no information from the ZEN board but perhaps this is due, at least in part, to the languages that were agreed to in the 35 plus NDAs that were signed. I am sure there were many specific terms that each wanted included. This stifles the flow of information. The fact that graphite is, it seems, an oddball "ore" that is not traded on the metals exchanges leaves pricing up to two agreeing parties makes it a strange and secretive item to evaluate. The fact that ZEN has had to come up with their own and "brand new" flow sheet charts for purification has and continues to take time and money.This flow sheet has had to cover the specific requirements and needs of each company in several categories, LI batteries, metal powders, lubricants, fuel cell tech and perhaps even nuclear reactor usage. This brings up the fact that ZEN is nearly out of cash at this time so hard to advance further or promote their product line. I wonder if there are negotiations going on for some of the very interested companies to invest in further drilling up at least enough for their own bulk sample testing? It is all these things and likely others that have led us to todays fallen share value. I also, from the DD that I have done, think that this is worth the dollars I have invested but it may take TIME to realize it's value. The world is moving toward new and exciting products and lifestyle changing ideas. Many of these may well need a unique and relatively cheap source of graphite of the type held in ZEN's two pipes. the deputy

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