Silver Falcon Mining

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in response to Garick's message

Garick... I'm afraid I'm getting very grouchy these regret my impulsive reply to you. Must be phantom replies by way of "over-association" with other BBs in the past. You have contributed many good posts here that have been well recieved.

I have tried to post on the macro front a bit because we longs have pretty well hashed out all the informational and historical data on SFMI. As a matter of fact, over at other BBs the continous reptition was simply feeding inot the taunts of the ghouls. We all know that one simply has to go to the website and take the time to read more than enough to validate the case for SFMI.

As I sit here this beautiful Saturday morning I wonder why I'm sitting here. The reason is that I had a compulsion to send out an email to all those who I have recommended SFMI to over the past few years (as well as ECU, gold and silver). I am sure some of those that post here have done the same. Many are now distraught not only about these apparently failed investments, but also about their general financal situations and what the future may bring.

I honestly believe the tide is about to turn...sometime over the next few weeks/to months, finally. Convincing others of that, many that have not followed these markets the way most of us have, is a daunting task now. I suppose, to be totally honest, I am angry at myself for thinking that the powerful forces jerking the markets around could never have taken it this far re the fraudulent manipulation of the PMs/JPMs. And that's where I realize that all my source information was also off the mark ...not with respect to gold and silver...but with respect to the juniors. This has been a total disconnect from a timing perspective.

I suspect that I have a lot of company out there. We could be classified, I suppose, as "Chicken Little's" positive alternate egos...shouting " the sun will rise tomorrow"...for years on end. There is no doubt we will be vindicated but is it too late for many? How many have heard that retort: "keep on saying the same thing and one day you're bound to be right".

I'm still sitting here.

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