San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
From '97!
over 13 years ago

I cannot imagine the reason why Ned would hold San back or keep his foot on our neck.

What purpose does that serve ? And if it that were true why would he not hold others back ? San is not his only iron in the fire.

Does anyone think the folks who bought the last offering at $4.00 are happy, and thanking Ned, when they see the price dive to $3.00 and struggle to get back to even $3.50. Is this just Ned driving the price down so he can flush out some weak hands and buy more stock on the cheap? I don't think so.

Becasue what does he tell these same people when he goes back to them with the next offering? And god forbid, if another dilution is necessary, we want it to be at $6.50, not $3.50.

The drilling results San is producing would send any other stock skyward, not only for what is immediately obvious, but what the results portend for the many other adjacent or on trend zones.

I am convinced that the only thing that will move SGR up to the $6.50 range, where it should be, based on ultra conservative projections as to measured, indicated and inferred reserves and resources, all-in costs of mining and milling and the price of gold, is very simply this:

We need to have two or three quarters of substantial production and clear, rising, net profit. Period. Nobody trusts our Management. They are simply fed up with all the failed projections. Management always gets it wrong. And that would be OK or understandable or even acceptable if they were close, but they never even get within smelling distance.

Maybe it's just Dale trying to please everyone by always giving rosy forecasts, but he must now know this is a strategy for disaster.

Everyone knows underground gold mining is a tough, complicated, demanding business and all the pieces have to fall into place, but they also know that one of the many necessary and essential ingredients for success is to under promise and over deliver, not the other way round.

Because when you over promise and under deliver, people quickly get frustrated, bewildered and annoyed and the Company gets a "these-guys-are-not-miners" reputation and that, my friends is the kiss of death - that's when they bid us adieu, and tell their friends, and their friends tell their friends and pretty soon the whole Country sees SGR, not as a has-been, because we haven't been anywhere yet, but worse, as a never-will-be.


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