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sedgee's Posts

Re: Dundee not holding San back

blizzard@fred25 i understand your frustration,sold half my position a few weeks ago and the other half today. took a small loss but after buying in a large position for me at an average cost of 3.43 on the drop from 5.00 only to see it drop to near 3.00 i finally have had enough after waiting 4 months just to get back to even.I also can imangine where this stock will go if the price of gold takes a large drop which i do not think will happen.I would like to thank all the good posters on this board for all the knowledge and information you have shared with other investers with less knowledge reguarding mining.I have picked up some good investing knowledge over the past two and one half years of reading these blogs.Lack of news releases and silence around what is going on could drive a small investor crazy. If ir department shared even a little information with you then you could maybe stomach the seemingly controlled spot price. G L T A Longs and i hope for your sake this stock goes to the moon for your faith,as i know longer will be on the ride.Sedgee

almost 14 years ago
Re: Once more....with feeling

Fred that is a good little message you shared with us. If you do not get your wish you could always watch the canucks on cbc tonight.they almost got me to part with my shares yesterday but held on tight like i usually do and i am glad i did. go sgr go. and thanks for your posting.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Insiders buying

As this is my first time posting ,i would just like to say that i have been reading this forum for the past couple of years and have been in and out of this stock at least 4 times .I have only been self directing my portfolio for a little over 3 years and san and lsg have been my main holdings. I would just like to thank all the people who post here for the information and links that you leave as i get alot of my information from here as i try and learn about mining and investing.The main thing i hate about this company is the lack of postings and infomation they give on what is going on. As traps says stay long on the greens, thanks again Sedgee

about 14 years ago
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