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Fred25's Posts

We all got in at $0.60 and out at $4.75

I have to laugh every time I read a poster who, for the enlightenment of others, says he got out at $4.75 and got back in at $2.50 – didn’t we all ? We also all got in originally at 0.60 cents and have made millions trading the ups and downs ever since.

The reason we never bother posting this wonderful news, real or imagined, is that we are all old enough to understand human nature, and we know that other than our wives, children and grandchildren, there has never been, is not now, and never will be, another person in the entire world, who GAF whether we make a million dollars or lose every cent we ever had. Welcome to the real world.


about 13 years ago
The Swiss version of Murphy's Law

For those who missed it, Howard Green [BNN – Headline] had a wonderfully insightful interview to-day with Bill White, (a Canadian boy) former Chief Economist of the BIS [Bank for International Settlements], the Central Bank for Central Banks, on to-days global economic picture.

When asked why so many people were fleeing to the safety of the Swiss Franc, he said he thought it was because the Country was very well managed, well governed and they have a massive external surplus.

And to illustrate how well Switzerland is managed (he is now a resident) he quoted the Swiss version of Murphy’s Law:“If anything can go wrong it will go wrong”

Swiss version:

“If anything can go wrong it will go wrong, and we can fix it.”

And that’s the way I feel about San Gold, destined to become the Switzerland of Canada’s gold mines....well managed and a massive motherlode waiting to be mined.

Things can go wrong. Things will go wrong. And San Gold can fix them.

Those of us who got in early have been well rewarded, and when one considers the drilling results to date, the number of claims, the huge greenstone belt now under SGR’s control, a life-of-mine head grade of at least 9gpt and the POG destined to stay above $1500, there is much more to come. Much, much more.

And all we have to do is sit and wait…… the two fellows in this video.


about 13 years ago
J&M Coin vs Vancouver Bullion

I don't know about Coins because I never buy them but I've been buying silver bullion every day this week at Vancouver Bullion and their prices have been better (lower) than J&M Coin.

But no one has to wonder or guess. They both have websites that give you up-to-the-minute quotes and a phone call will lock your quoted price in for the rest of the day.


about 13 years ago
Gold and Silver Investing - Physical bullion or Equities ?

Most people with an in-depth knowledge of the openly blatant, illegal, in-your-face, try-and-stop-us, daily manipulation of the gold and silver bullion markets, believe that junior equities will have more leverage than physical bullion (especially Silver ) over the next ten years, and that this leverage will not be otherwise diminished until the price of gold and silver settles comfortably in the $7,000.00 to $8,000.00 range for gold and $450.00 to $500.00 for silver. Back to the historical 16 to 1 ratio.

But there are, of course, performance (profit and loss) and political risks involved in investing in junior equities that are not present in owning the physical bullion. Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru to name a few.

So, what to do ? How do we best try to ensure a return on our investments in such a climate ?

I believe a prudent investor should hold a chunk of both physical bullion and equities with the greater percentage going into junior equities as long as the New York and London bullion markets remain rigged: to (1) support the $US dollar and (2) to give the designated and protected (by the US Treasury) heavy hitters an ongoing opportunity to steal money from Main Street and gullible Wall Street and Fleet Street gold and silver investors, with $billions in naked short sales and a battery of other scams and frauds.

Here’s what I did.

I own a basket of junior gold (28) and silver (4) equities; mostly producers, but some Explorcos. They are all in Canada (29) or Mexico (3).

I own big chunks of Sprott Physical Gold Trust – PHY.U and Sprott Physical silver Trust – PHS.U. For those who are not familiar with these Units, you can get delivery any time you wish, of Sprott physical gold or silver (which is fully allocated and stored at the Mint in Ottawa) subject to certain minimum withdrawal amounts. In other words you can’t request delivery of nickel and dime amounts every other week.

And I also buy, on a regular basis, physical gold and silver from Vancouver Bullion & Currency Exchange at 800 West Pender Street, who, in my experience always has the best prices here on the West Coast. And the neat thing about them is you can phone in the AM, get a locked-in quote (which changes every 20 minutes) pick up your physical gold and/or silver in the afternoon with cash, certified cheque or a Bank Draft and away you go. No fuss, no muss…..put the bullion in your back-pack and get back on the bus.


about 13 years ago
Re: Stock options for 2011 @ $2.52

I am dead set against stock options for Management at all levels and especially Directors, who most often contribute little or nothing to the advancement or fortunes of a Company.

Mangers at all levels should be paid the going rate in base salary. And that is it. No stock options and no bonuses. If they believe in the future of the Company they will buy shares like any other member of the public and get to share in the profits as the share price rises.

If they don't believe in the future of the Company, or don't enjoy the working environment or other operating personnel, they will be long gone anyway, options or no options.

The exception being if the stock options are in lieu of a salary, which one often sees with brand new explorcos, who have little cash in the treasury and often operate on a shoe string.

Stock options are a recent invention and have been abused even more, if that's possible, than paying CEO's of Mining (and other) companies outrageous salaries, bonuses and other compensation packages, while the Board of Directors, appointed by, and serving at the pleasure of, the CEO, sit silently, but alert, during compensation and stock option meetings, ready to quickly raise their hand when the Chairman says the magic words: "all in favour ?"

Shareholders of course, have no say, and most do not want a say. They are happy as long as the price of the stock continues to move higher.


about 13 years ago
Fiat Currencies vs Gold and Silver currencies

The future for San Gold and other producing gold and/or silver mine Companies appears to be very bright, indeed.

That's because the price of gold and silver are destined to rise dramatically.

And that's because the demise of the current crop of fiat currencies is fast approaching.

And the reason for that is simply the world’s reserve currency; the $US dollar will soon have no value at all.

This means, of course, that our beloved $CDN dollar will have little value either since almost all our Bank of Canada reserves are $US dollars.

So the question becomes: What will we use for our day to day settlement of accounts ?

Most experts predict a sort of Special Drawing Right note (SDR notes) backed by gold and silver, the two precious metals that have been used world-wide as money for several centuries. The fiat currency of each country would then be tied to these SDR's in a yet-to-be defined manner.

Others say NO; that won't work. They say we need to get back to gold and silver as the only true currencies that cannot ever be debased by bankers or political leaders.

And to kick things off and show people how really simple it is to use gold and silver as currencies, go to these two websites - one for gold and one for silver.

Many of you may know the very well respected Hugo Salinas Price of Mexico has been promoting silver coinage as the new Mexican currency for several years. I do not think Hugo is going to have very much longer to wait.


about 13 years ago
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Recent drill results include 6.69% copper over 71.69 metres and 3.74% copper over 21.77 metres from in-fill diamond drill holes at the Reed Lake Joint Venture (Hudbay HBM:TSX) Property. The company has a dominant land position in the prolific Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS mining belt. VMS Ventures is well financed with over $11.9 million in cash equivalents.