San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
3 D
about 14 years ago
Re: 3 D
about 14 years ago
in response to Agorafan's message

Agorafan, Nobody doubts the huge potential here and the new model that is uncovering one of the largest untapped deposits of gold in N.A. I for one have made it an enjoyable hobby to try and figure out their next move. I do this by reading each NR very carefully, and most of their intentions are somewhere in the text. Dale has attended many of these shows in the past and has given updates of the company progress. I think I have viewed at least three other similar presentations over the past 18 months or so. The biggest difference that I see is that dale comes across with a lot more confidence and composure. A recent previous poster however, pointed out the fact that their production projections are virtually the same as they were two years ago. We are all grown ups and it would be refreshing for once if the company would just come out and say,"we have found so much gold that we really need to evaluate the whole property before we ramp up production." Perhaps they could say " We really need to understand where the gold is before we start ramping up mining operations"

If you evaluate each new developement you will see the slow steady progress towards the building of a huge mining camp, with each new ramp or drift strategically placed for exploration and then future mining ops. Mine building is a slow process and I have learned to be patient. Long term safety and preservation of my capital is my main goal. Here is a link to last years gold show. Find the SGR presentation on the 14th and you have a link to the audio and a link to the corporate presentation. Production wise not much has changed. Discovery wise huge changes.

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