Agorafan's Profile

"It ain't easy being 'green'."

Agorafan's Posts

Re: Conference Call

"If I live long enough, I might be able to say the same thing as you."

Same here, Grgy, tho i doubt that I will be around for that long myself. Because of this experience, I have realized this:

Once you're past a certain age, you shouldn't buy into any exploration or development stage companies (unless it's intended for the sake of your survivors, your estate). In resource stocks, only invest in actual successful producers who have paid off their development expenditures that enabled them to get there.

But this kind of stock? ... may be alright if you're in your 20's up to, say, into your 40's or 50's, but after that? Well ... A company can go on theoretically forever, but WE have limited lifespans in which to make things happen. If there's a payoff way down the road, I may not be around anymore to get anything out of it, and will have had an awful time of it, because of having invested in such as this, as 'promising' as they may seem.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Confidence in LSG: With Franco-Nevada and Sprott behind it ...

Right, Grgy. I think the problem for many of us is that "the long term" goes on for far too long til we eventually get our payoff. Maybe now is the time for it, with the start of the new "QE", considering that it's an excellent company.

But with FNV behind it AND Sprott too, that gives me some encouragement to hold on for the inevitable turnaround in SP that Lakeshore Gold deserves.


about 12 years ago
Inspiring confidence in any others besides me?

Does Franco-Nevada's involvement in Lakeshore Gold give anyone else here (besides me) greater confidence in LSG's solidity and its present and future successes, hopefully leading to a much higher share price (when the market for gold producers recovers) than it's been trading at for a while now?

Realizing that LSG's share price is just down along with the rest of the gold market's producers are, I think it's good to know that it has the confidence and backing of a great royalty company like FNV (Franco) behind it. I have great confidence in FNV itself, so that helps me have greater certainty about companies which it is invested in, as it is in this one.

about 12 years ago
Re: Met Randall Oliphant today at the annual shareholder's meeting

I had the great pleasure of meeting this gentleman, Randall Oliphant, for a few moments just ahead of our annual shareholder meeting last week.

I have admired his style and his humility whenever I've seen him on TV & online video clips over the years.

It was a very nice occasion, but unfortunately there were very few actual small investors such as myself there, whose presence it would have been nice to see more of.

I think we have a great future in holding some of this company. I especially hope that it doesn't ever go reaching too far into ever-so-slightly less "safe" jurisdictions, taking a little chance on dabbling here, and another little chance on dabbling there, til we one day find ourselves in a bit of trouble, financially-speaking, being somewhere we shouldn't be, such as where some government or other gives itself a slice of OUR pie, or even the ENTIRE pie, as happens here and there from time to time in different jurisdictions around the world.

Good "luck" to us all.


over 12 years ago
Re: Jay Taylor

Yeah, i was glad about that, too.

But i'd like to know that we're at a point where there's NO one left who would SELL their shares around such low prices. When there are no sellers left, i guess that's when SGR MIGHT be ready to start to turn around.

Let's let the would be buyers CLAMOR to buy it away from us, and stop practically giving it away by selling it at these awfully low prices.

over 12 years ago
Lake Shore to release fiscal 2011 results March 26

According to Stockwatch News,

Lake Shore to release fiscal 2011 results March 26

Stockwatch News

1:10 PM (42 minutes ago)

over 12 years ago
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