San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
in response to wpgmoney's message

..not trying to defend San as one could see back in 2006 when San announced that they were going into production that they were giong to face hardships which was why i sold my position in Nov 07 when Dundee bought into Greens. Looking back prior to 05 when Dale was mine manager for Rhea and Harmony the former owners they also had trouble getting out production and had already mined out the low hanging fruit. Hugh and Dale new from past drilling that the area had historical gold showings and jump at the chance to own the mine and now the total package at a cheap price. I took the heat from this board as i tried to inform yourselfs of Sans hardships they were facing going forward from a mining perspective over the last few yrs but stuck with Sans board as we are JV partners and we depend on each other to be succesful...Dale was faced with an inexpierenced mining crew that required training and alot of capital to buy and upgrade eqiupment. Man power hrs are wasted just trying to get down to the deeps to get out production and SGI was not proving out along with the cartwright. Drilling was proving out to be succesful but was not near any development areas and again required Dundee to step up with capital . San now has a mining plan in place that well prove out to be succesful as these hinges offer high grade ata low cost to produce. Long On The GoldenFairWay, Traps7

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