Resverlogix Corp.

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in response to LongRVXer's message

Hey Long,  While would definitely agree with your post as far as the end game goes I would say there are still a few areas where share price does matter and I think it is pathetic the way management has let shareholders down in this regard.  Specifically, where to me this lack of performance is detrimental to especially retail shareholders are as follows 1)  Poor share price has taken away the opportunity for management to issue and sell shares on the open market in order to retire the LoC without extreme dilution.  If share price reflected even 1/3 of the EV suggested in the NPV chart then retiring the LoC this way would be a reasonable alternative. Further to this, if the Eastern LoC guarantee is renewed similarly to the last time around it would cost us fewer warrants if the share price was higher. 2) If share price was higher, share based compensation would be less dilutive per compensation dollar.  3)  I think the low share price (relative to managements suggested NPV) and low volume provide a poor base for share price appreciation once significant milestones are achieved.  Say positive futility analysis.  JMO but I think that the low price and volume allow potential interested investors to stay on the sidelines and not invest thereby keeping the price down.  The great potential of Apabetalone probably allows these investors to say to themselves that in the event of success it won't matter if they miss the first few bucks of appreciation because there will still be lots of upside after that. RVX has done a lot of things right but, again JMO, I think management has done an absolutely brutal job of getting a great story infront of the investing public at large.

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