POET Technologies Inc.

in response to fairchijisback's message

 In general terms development projects are thought of as v shaped.  The downward leg being the design phase and right upward leg as the production implementation phase.  The point being any change that is specIfield in the later production phase will require reiteration from the design phase which is both costly in time and resources and emphasises the importance of getting it right in the lab before the fab phase.

Based on this it is clear that in the POET life cycle design changes have resulted in cost viz the PO and delay.  I wonder to what extent the aquisitions have affected the POET life cycle in integrating newly aquired IP from DL and BB.or does POET development continue ndependently?

I feel that in order to ensure that POET is bullet proof or to meet external requirements design changes were introduced that have extended development time out to 2018.  One wonders whether there is an external influence here of  which the only known explanation is the output of the now defunct TRAB.   The good news being management consider that TRAB input can be concluded.  

Time alone will tell what actual influance the TRAB outputs had on the POET life cycle but ignoring the fact that this management device was extant and active for two years to date seems to me to be burying ones head in the sand.  Ultimately customer need drives company development.  Despite the heady excitement of the blue sky development that went on at Stoors we are now  I feel experienceing the harsh realities of the commercial environment.  

For me what this all says is that higher degrees of astuteness are required and  in the light of the recent management structural changes this is being addressed.  Too much criticism of management is made over PO and SP isues which are largely driven by influences outside their contol.  Being tight lipped whilst frustrating for us is essential at this critical juncture in POET'S development.

PTK now stands in the brink of success or failure but one thing is sure that delivering disruptive technical inovation is the principle focus for which being well capitalised is essential. We should be more supportive of management not less which is why we have been binned as an influence group.


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