POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Orange Cat's message

Well thats a particulalry glum view of the PTI World Orange Cat and the sort of comment that is oft repeated here which conveys totally the wrong message as there is not one single mention of the many positives that have in fact occurred.. I think you could accept that from my point of view that your post lacks balance, so I need to set out my thoughts to correct this

But first I mast say that I can accept that your post is principally a criticism about the lack of a properly executed PR plan by POET management and you're absolutely right. The events like the Empire Club and the one minute adverts whilst they were of interest they proved to be of no consequence and why should they if there was no meat i.e. no product to judge or income to behold. These are what institutional investors are concerned about and want to see before investing in PTK. I thik that where we differ is that I feel that the company displays a high probablity of changing attitudes in the current time frame they have set out for you and I to judge them on. We must just allow that to happen and be more patient.

So lets agree that there's a lesson to be learnt here and lets judge management not on the past regimen but on what thay are doing now. My view is that shortly I think you will see that new management will use its new PR firm, the announcement of success of the VCSEL integration and the arrival of a shed load of NRE money arriving in its coffers to make potential investors sit up an take notice of what POET really has achieved. Thats what they mean by an inflection point. My view to support this is based on the clear evidence of progress which has been regulalry published in Company NR, quarterly reports and amoungst official filings since August 2015

Simply bemoaning the lack of SP progess on the high risk venture capital project, that you chose to invest in ,which to date has failed to deliver on makeing you or I a multimillionaire in the timeline you wanted, is where many of us have got hope out of sync with reality, SV update in September 2015 put pay to the strategy of selling IP and the potential for immediate gratification of our greed and instead offered a lengthier period of time to execute a plan to produce POET products for the gaping markets in Comms by producing prototupes in Q4 2016 and sales in 2017. So please cheer up and take stock of the positves or you will ibe n danger of handing over your dreams to those waiting for the shares of pesimistic glums to be shaken out of the tree by their actions on an easily manipulated share price.

Yet again we find PC being blamed for the parless state of your unrealistic dreams. I think that you and I should be happy with the new management approach and should allow them to act freely to achieve the goals that they have set out. Where we iffer is thatI also have a view that there were achievements made under PCs command which resulted in the tranfer of POET IP to an undisclosed partner which currently remains under NDA because of the high standards of secrecy imposed by that partner.

The value of the six months BAE work to Aug 2015, that you see as fizzled out, was that it proved to that partner that POET was indeed capable of mass manufature, futhermore the relationship with Synopsys actually produced PDK in 2015 that were the physical means of tranferring POET IP to that partner, why else would they have used Synopsys software or worked hard at produceing PDK if it were not for some clear purpose they had in mind. The lack of NR or clarity on the reults of the work conducted to August 2015 has simply left a black hole in our knowledge and DD of just what PTI was up to with that oft mentioned Partner. I for one still hold this rational as sufficient reasons for believing that we might well be surprised on the outcome of that period of PTI history which was led by PC when the NDA is eventually lifted. Something clearly happend then but we know not what with any certainty. So please dont judge PC yet despite his clear failings and inability to hold back his enthusiam by going too far in revealing glimses of his dealings with others where he should have been far more tight lipped. He may yet prove to be a POET hero apart from his sterling efforts in recruiting his replacement and making himself redundant. Agreat move for us all.

This sceario continues to make sense and nobody as yet has stated any facts that would unhinge this rational. If you can teb please do so, so that I can end my machinations.

So Orange Cat I'm not saying you're wrong but to me you seem to be missing that 6th sense that cats are famous for and your epiphany moment is yet to come - I dearly hope so.


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