POET Technologies Inc.

The issue isn't integrity. The issue isn't "at what price."

The issue is, where are we now, and what are the most likely set of outcomes?

Someone mentioned "we are free." I disagree. I feel that everyone who posts their wide eyed fantasy versions of how this story plays out is enslaved, enslaved to the lottery ticket mentality. The, "gee, I really don't want to go back to work on Monday" mentality. Do me a favor and save it for your own midnight staring at the ceiling ruminations.

Ok, where are we?

At $1.50, the market is basically saying that Dr. Taylor's life's work is worthless. WORTHLESS. Everyone who is long at this point disagrees. I have no idea how much the intellectual property of PTK is worth, but I bet its worth something.

The Kelly Criterion says that if your chance of losing money is zero, you should bet 100% of your pot. In other words, the opportunity TODAY, not tomorrow, not when Tony Blevins wipes his nose with your stock certificates, not when the fruit company calls Ajit using a shoe phone, but today, PTK is a fantastic risk/reward investment opportunity.

One thing Peter DID say today was: "...the TRAB hasn't even met yet..." Someday, the apple connection may prove to be important, but that day is not today. Just stop making stuff up that flows out of your brain and into the keyboard. Please.

The most likely outcome is that the new leadership takes Dr. Taylor's work and turns it into profitable products, slowly. When we see the details of the first deal, this year, anyone with $1.50 stock will be money good, end of story. Sell a few shares, recoup your initial investment, and then let it ride like a big boy.

Will Intel buy us out for $200B? Will Apple buy 10% for $10B? Will unicorns fly out of my butt? Not in 2015.

There is no need to "dream big" about things that may or may not happen in 1-5 years once this company is well on its way. Dreaming small is to be excited about the REAL chance that a new management team has of surprising the sh!t out of the marketplace with a disruptive technology.

If it took 10 years for PTK to get to $100/share how would you feel? Judging by half the posts on this forum, not good. Now, how sick is that?

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