fletchman3's Profile

fletchman3's Posts

Re: Lee Pierhal

In light of recent developments and current share price it's probably a good idea to talk more openly about all aspects of this investment.


The problem is when you only talk about positives people get carried away, Apple, 70 club etc.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Lee Pierhal

Thanks for bringing this to our attention 59.

We should be able to discuss our investment openly on this forum.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Maybe...

I havn't seen it unfortunatly.

Where can i get one?

almost 8 years ago

I'm a heavily invested Long.

However maybe its time to realise that with the doctor now gone with no product developed, ex employees selling like no tomorrow and shares now devalued, maybe we have nothing.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Mob Mentality

Yeti you may have to go.

People here don't seem to be able to handle the possible idea that maybe there are two sides to this debate.

You are causing them stress.


about 8 years ago
Re: Please read this

Great idea. I vote for Rainer.


about 8 years ago
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