POET Technologies Inc.

in response to mo's message


you are right, but really I was using hyperbole to try and make a deeper point:

The emotional temperature of the forum yo-yo's back and forth between euphoria and dispair. When many share their well founded enthusiasm for the wonderful (and realistic) opportunity that PTK presents, many take that and run into fantasy territory, spreading that fantasy ON THE BOARD, conflating the two.

Everyone has a right to their feelings. Everyone has a right to day dream about making a big score on the market, but I am simply saying, the reality is exciting enough, let's focus on the reality. Yes, there is no such thing as risk free, but what has me excited TODAY, is that the risk/reward is simply astounding. And that has nothing to do with The Blevins Fruit Co.

It has to do with $1.50 is the valuation of failure. So anything other than failure is upside, and not making the June 30th deadline is NOT failure, not by a long stretch. So, if July 1st, I wake up and an announcement hasn't been made, I am going to look for a buying opportunity to present itself. What are other people going to do? Freak out? Go for a walk? Write something that makes no sense on the forum?

Personally, I didn't think the CEO announcement would come before the AGM, and then I was wrong, and it was awesome! We got to sit there and meet the new guy, and we all clapped and Peter got some well deserved kudos, and it was feel good all around. It was great. These people are pros. We are in good hands.

By the way, its great to hear that there are some, like Royalton, who are already 100% de-risked on their investment. That's fantastic, and I congratulate them for holding thru the dark times. Personally, I don't think I would have been able to, but there you go.

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