POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Babaoriley's message

Babaoriley wrote: BT, that's kind of harsh to a guy like jack, there are better ways.

You know Baba if it walks like a duck and types text like a duck, well maybe it is a wolf? You may be right, the Longs may very well be a naive and docile breed of sheep in your eyes, never questioning why?..According to you, Longs believe in Liars, because they love the mushroom treatment, being kept in the dark and fed steer crap... We are so blessed there are some "rather sharp and skeptical" members on the board to remind the Longs over and over, boring all the members daily with every minute detail of all the shortfallings of the POET Management and Timelines according to their views..But I do love the sandwich effect and how these skeptics always end their posts in a positive tone...You see that contradicts which side of the Fence skeptics are on. Are the skeptics with the Longs or feeding off them, in the Canis Lupus fashion?

Some members of the forum believe the negative sentiment on this board is monitored by POET mangament so they can react or throw us a bone once in a while...LOL! If you believe that then I guess that is why the whining never will cease and will be tolerated on this board.

POET Management will do what is best for the shareholders. It doesn't get any simpler then that...Time is running out for the wolves, with meal tickets getting scarcer each day. I predict a lot of howling in the near future...aWoooooo!

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