POET Technologies Inc.

in response to BlackToad's message

BT, that's kind of harsh to a guy like jack, there are better ways. Enuff said there.

Remember the watched pot never boiling. A building manager told me thirty years ago that he solved perceived slow elevator service in his building not by spending who knows how much to actually speed up the elevators (if that was even possible), but to spend a lot less money and put mirrors in all around the elevator plaza, which gave people something to do while waiting, fix their hair, tie, see how hot or not they looked that day, etc. Now you'd put in some monitors playing CNN, CNBC, etc.

For many, POET is it, and it is it in a very important area - finances and financial security. For people like that, this is excruciating.

CEO by May 31st, that's what they promised? So what. They "promised" other things and haven't been close, so why, on this issue, is the whole POET world coming to an end? In Feb of 2013, PC told potential investors something to the effect that they would sell the company in a year. Lots of not promises, but rather estimates, forecasts, best guesses, salesmanship - you hear something everytime there's an oral presentation by management at a quarterly cc, an AGM, etc. - you know it, the warning about forward looking statements. There's a reason for that.

If I'm POET's securities lawyer, I'm sure as heck not going to tell them to put themselves in an awkward position by giving an update just to satisfy crazed and starved shareholders. If the update is wrong, then it's even worse.

There are dozens of reasons why selecting a CEO is fraught with delay issues, starting with the good candidates have either good jobs or really good options. You may get 80% down the road with someone and get dumped, or vice versa. By that time, your second choice has ended up elsewhere.

Now, the tech, well it would be great to have more evidence that it's the greatest thing ever, but if it is to be that, it just can't be so easy to achieve and, well, that's another potential reason a CEO may be hard to land. A CFO, for sure not as hard, a COO, apparently not as hard, but I'll bet that wasn't easy, either.

Or the tech could all be worked out and wrapped up already, but there's something that needs to be kept confidential for a while longer, for whatever reason - should we be told what that is and promise not to tell anyone else? Can we keep it just right here on this board?

I want to hear the VSCEL and RO are done and work great and support the tech 100%, too, as I'm a far bigger skeptic than most here, but I'm sure I'm aligned with management there. And if they already know it works, then great, and I'll just have to wait for whatever reason.

Finally, because I am skeptical, perhaps my expectations for success are far lower than most of the rest of you. That kind of perspective comes in handy at times, believe me, but, as the Eagles said in Lyin' Eyes, "every form of refuge has its price." (Have no idea if they said it first, but it's a great line.) So I pay for that perspective in various ways, but I'm more comfortable that way.

I'm sure POET would like to bring us Big (Great) News before the AGM, but if it's not there, the best they can do is tell us they're pretty close, be patient, etc. Don't ever forget that news comes in many flavors.

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