POET Technologies Inc.

in response to jackthebear's message

I totally agree with you JACK. Most of the times we have to read post that are overly optimistic even when mngt are missing their forecast time and time again. People invest in compagny base on information available to them. So when these information happens to false short it is just normal that we ask questions and critic when we feel the need too and know one and specially not a Hub Leader should have the right to remove a post just because he/she does not happen to agree with you.

This is still a DISCUSSION FORUM and a Democratic Country. Investing in a compagny is like electing a gouvernement if you did vote you then have the right to critic. Every view have the right to be expose. I don't know where some people were raise but here in Canada you can not be silence because you express a point that some leaders may disagree on.

So i think some Hub Leader should take a step back also and look at the way they are reacting on this forum and try to imagine if they would like to be silence every time others don't agree with you.

I don't care about the numbers of thumbs this post is going to get but one thing i am not the only one that think that we shoul all be treated with the same liberty no matter what or point of view might be.

Being a hub leader does not give anyone the right to decide if a post needs to be remove if it had not break any of the 6 Agoracom rules. This is not a private forum amongs friends but a public forum open for discussion about a common subject.

This is my point i don't think is should be removed in any way because it has not break any rules but simply express a concern about how certain Hub Leaders are them self the liberty to decide who should or should not have the right to express their concern and critics about Poet Tech.

Sincerly your and Have a good week all and i mean ALL of you.


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