POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Rainer's message

Dear POET friends and fellow trolls,

Our efforts to educate journalists have resulted in negative effects. We are now considered to be a trolling, unwashed interest group. There is some truth in this although our intentions have been misjudged, hence the need for great caution henceforth.

Consequently, I believe that there are important lessons to be learned from our clumsy efforts before more damage is done.

We must first of all understand that IT Journalists are schooled in their 'creative art' not the science they report. Their work is paid to satisfy specific interest groups on terms of 'he who pays the piper calls the tune'. They are a suspicious breed and any uninvited interest from outside individuals raises great concerns about influence.

The fact is that our clumsy efforts to 'educate' journalists about our beloved POET have caused negative unforeseen effects that have not been beneficial to POET or ourselves. We are seen as trolls. I call this the 'Joel effect'. My dear old mum used to say 'none so deaf as those who will not hear '. God bless her soul.

What to do:

Media Ops as we called it in the Army is a science in itself best left to the experts. Training, experience, reputation and great contacts are required for success. IR is paid by POET to undertake this role. Send your MO concerns to Chris Chu to deal with.

Let the science talk for itself. Soon the Ring Oscillator results will demonstrate the figures envisage by GT.

Let our scientists write in the appropriate journals using the standard processes as a means of educating those who must know.

Let journalists seek out POET not vice versa.


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