POET Technologies Inc.

you do realize that this story has many chapters. I understand that none of us want to see the price drop, ever! But the reality is that we are a non-revenue company right now that is putting all of the foundation stones into place onto which a great mansion is to be built. The sky is not falling. The earth is not ending and we will all live another day to see further developments and share prices restored and surpassed, IMHO. The gesticulating and gnashing of teeth is really over the top here for the last 5 days. There are many here who I have been reading for years that seemed to have blown a gasket and in the process, perspective. This adventure is not an overnight success story, it never was or will be. There will be many rises and falls in the share price that will cause nausea ad nauseum. These last three NRs are all preparatory steps to get us to the big leagues. Our ultimate goal is to have a universally accepted, paradigm shifting technology that will render many here retirement capable in the next two years or so. People seem to forget all of what was said at EC and since. All of a sudden we are immune to opportunistic traders? Come on!! There are no revenues expected until late 2014. Those revenues they will most likely be non-recurring for prototype development. The real money will not be flowing until 2015, most likely middle of,as testing and verifications are completed. Only after all of that will they get production oders in and only once they are into the marketplace will we see real dollars. This is not a sprint people. This is a marathon and we are at mile 15. The wall approaches. We need the intestinal fortitude to push past all of the pain and discomfort as events out of our control unfold. Ok, we've lost on paper. But for goodness sake stop acting like you are first time investors who bought at $2.77 on a hot tip. Anyone who came here thinking they could buy last week and make a mint in a few days, give your head a shake. Play the game and take your chances for short term. If you are truely investing here, patience will prove rewarding. All of the drama does nothing but waste others precious time trying to find something of value to gleen here, but alas there is little. The timeframe I laid out is a realistic one. If you think you can make your fortune before then here, I wish you well. You will most likely be disappointed and bitter though in the short term. Believe me I get the frustration by those here for years to see the latest falls in SP. Pull it together people!! There are still lots of things to happen and many we obviously don't know about...like Mr. Fab coming on board. Take a deep breath. Hold what you can comfortably and stop expecting to be millionaires next week or month. The milestones are falling one by one and the road to monetization is almost finished. We will get there just not right away. Oh to have dry powder at a time like this.....remember we are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy (it just feels like Cleveland right now). Good night all. Derekwpg
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