POET Technologies Inc.

in response to jwblue's message

I have a few questions/theories to toss out.

AT the presentation yesterday, there were conversations about margins and margin calls which has lead me to ask if the market makers can see peoples/clients margin positions and can use this to calculate how far they need to drop it to trigger margin calls similar to how they can use their knowledge of stop losses to trigger them?

The "war of words" directed towards Intel leads me to believe they will not be a partner of ours but rather collateral damage once our main partner is named. RIP INT!

Which leads me to ponder the moves Apple has made in the last week or so with their share split and announcement of 19B equity raise. Could they need they extra share count and cash to facilitiate a cash/share offer to PTK? Could the Special project Mansfield is heading up and the foundry they have sitting around doing nothing at the moment be earmarked for PTK?

I feel the Q@A after the presentation did not hit on many of the great Q's ping pong had raised which was disappointing but for many of us in attendance, their may have been the "deer in the headlights" effect going on. For the limited amount of Q's that were answered, i felt too many were fluff. I mean what do you expect a rep of the company to say when asked what they thought the SP would do? Wasted Q IMO.

The biggest thing I took away was that anything any competing tech would try to do will always come back to POET and the IP we possess. There will only be one POET!!

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