POET Technologies Inc.

After reading every single post it is easy to see why we are going down. POET's credibility has been shot by the presentation. Copetti's gangster look and perception by many hurting. Taylor's lack of presentation expertise and bad communication. Many people don't find POET credible now. They think POET is a fly by night company.

The way I see it since I am a normal joe:

Copetti being more of a normal joe like me and not a big wig like some of the big shareholders or you guys. He represents the company well for someone like me but maybe not all you CEO kinda guys. Copetti says it the way it is and to me that's not gangster at all.

Taylor is a scientist not a presenter and yes, his presentation sucked. It lacked valuable and comprehensive information and he should of been coached through it by IR. Most people wanted a pump and not an information session for the company.

Overall this presentation made POET look like a small time company that will not go anywhere.

But obviously my perception is not important cause I am just a small time shareholder. The selling has started and we don't know where it will end. We had a symmetrical triangle formation and sure enough the price breached the formation and a sharp movement followed on the down side. Technically we have a sell signal.

Reason for me to hold on: Insiders bought again yesterday in the down pressure. 100nm coming and MS8. If any of these dont come to fruitation, i can see alot more running to the exits. We have lost short term credibility in my mind so please do not had fuel to the fire and be on time with the 100nm news.

I am still giving benefit of the doubt to POET but they cannot screw up at all. Not even once. That is life in the big leagues ;)

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