KROM's Profile

"CROM" KROM, Sumerian God of Steel, courage and overcoming your enemy. I really gotta get rich!! Member of the "StockSplit/Nasdaq Listing/100$ share price club".

KROM's Posts

Re: News - PO closed

68 million shares including the warrents. Perfect!

almost 8 years ago

Perhaps this Financing has allot to do with the Pledged money from EDB in Singapore and POETS need to meet their requirments financialy in increasing their staff and faclility in order to recieve the full amount of funds 11 million dollars pledged to us?

I have tried not to look at my acount of late. I did today. nearly fell over!

almost 8 years ago
Re: KROM: Worth considering.

I havent sold.

Gonna go back to not posting and just reading. It wont matter in the end what we say here.

What will matter is if the science comes through and we get products rolling to clients.

We have all said it before. We wont see anything until we see revenue. And here we are no revenue. Perhaps we are on the cusp.. But needed these funds to get over the hill.

Im long for ever. Consider me a bag holder.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Worth considering.

Fare points Turr.

I would not put this on manegement though or our company though.. It would be the PR firm who would and should manage the delegation of news in a fassion that will impact the Share price in the most positive way.

And. If all goes well will be in the clear next year. Wish I had some dry powder right about now.

almost 8 years ago
Worth considering.

Making trouble for management and the company is not in our best interests. Yea the shaer price is way down.. Your in a Venture stock.. Any action against the company is only going to distract them from their mission.

I doubt they did this because they dont care.. I would bet that they did this because they have to in order to bring our product to the market as quickly as possible. Its not their fault the market reacted this way and its not the ventures fault. Its the fault of the share holders who jumped on the sell button and smashed it down on the news. Yea you could say that they could have anounced it differntly or this or that but guess what., You own a venture stock. Hold and shut your mouth, Sell and go away or buy more.

I have allot of fear and doubt about the share price and its really tough looking at the value of my account these days but guess what.. it comes with the terratory. They are making huge steps forward. Live with what these guys are doing and how they are doing it or sell and go away.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Cisco Acquires Rockley Photonics

I am very un happy. very very!

Been here before. trying to ignore this market reaction.

The company has come a long way. the Singapore expansion is a huge step. having the EDB behind us now is a big tell. The runway is clear.. but like a junior minor. we have had our moment in the sun with the discovery and the proofs and now we must sit back and watch as the SP tanks over the next stage of getting to production. missed the chance to sell it all and buy back. If only I had a crystal ball. No more funds to buy more. I think I have enough.

So very unhappy at the moment!

almost 8 years ago
stockSplit/Nasdaq listing/100$ CLUB
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