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jwblue's Posts

Re: Adex Mining Announces Rights Offering of $5,000,000 to Be Backstopped by Major S

I view it as a positive that Great Harvest is willing to put $5M equity into the company.

almost 10 years ago
Re: I see why we are going down.

We could have an unusual scenario where the company is being mismanaged and it won't matter.

The only thing that matters is that the tecnology works.

This is why it is do difficult in determing what to do.

over 10 years ago
My thoughts on the Empire Club presentation - good news coming

I am almost 100% certain that good news is about to be announced.

Maybe I am reading too much into this, but how can anyone at POET believe anyone would understand what the heck Taylor was talking about? No one did.

This was about presenting Dr. Taylor to the public in advance of a big announcment.

over 10 years ago
Greed : A human fact

There seems to be discussion on this board whether shareholders will receive a fair value for what the company is worth.

Speculation is that management will sell at a price that will make them set for life but not risk losing that amount for a higher price.

If the technology is worth $70.00 a share that is what management will sell at. Nothing less.

over 10 years ago
My interpretation of "......progress and achieved milestones"

Progress in that part of the sentence progress does not necessarily refer to the progress of milestones.

It could mean progress in other areas whatever they might be.

Why would "achieved" refer to a previous milestone that in the past they have already announced that they have achieved? This sounds like something new folks.

"The company remains on track with its technology road map,"

This implies that they are meeting the timetable set for the milestones.

Everyone should put on their seatbelts. We might be going on a ride.

over 10 years ago
Re: Insider trade: Leon M. Pierhal

If the dispostion price is a typo, it is not only on that site.

From Investorpoint.

Pierhal, Leon M.,
Director of Issuer
Acquisition or disposition in the public market at $83.279999 - $83.279999 per share.

over 10 years ago
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