Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to khareema's message

As it stands, there are two entities that could feasibly form the nucleus of an operation supplying transportation into the ROF. One is this Ports authority concept, and the other is the KWG thing we all know about."

khareema, the two entities you refer to might be better understood as agreements rather than entities; "The Secret Deal" and "The New Deal".

"The Secret Deal" was a "non-public agreement in principle", now progressing to a "definitive agreement" by the Liberal government's "Infrastructure Ontario" negotiated by, among others, Rick Bartolucci, Kathleen Wynne, and Cliffs Natural Resources on the Ring of Fire infrastructure, sprinkled with Webequie's agreement, and a token MOU with Martin Falls to add legitimacy to the First Nation consultation process. Some of the items covered by this deal were the selection of the ferrochrome smelter location, electrical supply and publicly subsidized corporate power rates for mine, concentrator and smelter, fast tracked provincial environmental reviews, what portion of public funds should support the north-south mine ore transportation all-weather private corporate toll road, and ministerial exemptions to ship 50% of the chromium concentrate out of province.

After the province announced plans to divest commercially valuable assets of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC) in March 2012, the General Chairperson's Association (GCA), who represents unionised employees at the ONTC, represented by Brian Stevens, proposed "The New Deal", which is currently lobbying the Ontario government to transfer the remaining ONTC assets into a federal ports authority to save jobs by using the remaining pieces of ONTC and building the Ring of Fire railroad proposed by Canada Chrome Corporation, and it's subsidiary, KWG, by folding it into "The James Bay & Lowlands Ports Authority Trustee Corporation", under Canada Maine Act. Roy Hains completed the first step by incorporating this shell.

Stevens said the initiative enjoyed strong support from a wide array of key stakeholders, including First Nations communities, Northern Ontario communities, Nipissing-Timiskaming Member of Parliament Jay Aspin, and mining and various business interests, among others.

  • New plan to revitalise ONTC, connect Ontario’s ‘Ring of Fire’ The James Bay & Lowlands Ports Trustee Corporation CEO Roy Hains had facilitated advanced discussions on this initiative with First Nations in the James Bay Lowlands, the unions, and Ring of Fire claim holder Canada Chrome. "With broad and building support, I am confident that this initiative is well on its way to success. We are particularly excited about providing access to the Ring of Fire with a rail solution that is by far the most economic and environmentally friendly solution. This plan also keeps these important infrastructure assets in public hands for the benefit of all stakeholders," Hains said. Canada Chrome had made a significant investment to study and secure a viable right of way to mining operations in the Ring of Fire. The company’s work had been instrumental in building a solid base from which the plan could move forward, Hains said.

However, Ted Hargreaves and Rick Bartolucci are quickly proceeding with the sale of ONTC's communications division, Ontera, in order to help kill any hopes for a "New Deal" in order to honour the terms of their secret deal.

Some wonder if Ontario is facing another Project Vapour. Published Aug. 29, TV Ontario’s senior news editor Steve Paikin states, “And I’m told the terms of the severance the workers would be entitled to is astonishingly generous – 400 of the 1,000 [ONTC] employees would be entitled to a full salary for 14 years. Shutting this thing down is going to be expensive.”

Northern businesses are feeling the ONTC pinch but Bartolucci maintains Ontario will save money from the divestiture in the long run.

If you are looking for more information or support "The New Deal", please send the letter to Jay Aspen here

Would Noront be better off with, Ontario and Cliffs' "The Secret Deal", or the ONTC and KWG's "Federal James Bay Port Authority"? There are many variables, here are some to get the discussion going;

  • If the $600M all-weather road is ultimately developed as a private/public partnership, then the road access would be a function of the terms of that partnership. Cliffs will manage the road in a manner similar other provincial resource roads.
  • Noront Resources Ltd. feasibility study has assumed a toll representing 12.5% of the total road cost which includes capital, interest and maintenance costs. In a letter dated August 10, 2012, Ontario's Ministry of Northern Development and Mines ("MNDM") advised Noront that the Province was in early stage discussions with Cliffs Natural Resources regarding a north - south all-season road that would connect the Ring of Fire to existing provincial infrastructure. The letter confirmed the Province's intent to contribute financially to develop the proposed all-season road subject to various environmental, regulatory and financial approvals. MNDM advised Noront that "the current expectation is that the all-season road would be made available for use by industrial users other than Cliffs, with access fees generally based on proportional road usage, although specific terms are still to be determined."

Meanwhile, the hearing of the merits of "2274659 Ontario Inc. v. Canada Chrome Corporation" easement case will take place Monday, the 4th until Thursday the 7th of February 2013, each day at 10:00AM and Monday, the 11th until Thursday the 14th of February 2013, again, each day at 10:00AM at the 24th Floor, 700 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario.

There will be a telephone conference call on Monday 21st of January, 2013 at 11:00AM between the parties to establish procedural steps.

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