Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

I posted the below on the probe board and something along the same lines on the Noront board approx. 2 weeks ago. I am patiently waiting for the results of the 13 holes. The below observation is either one hell of a coincidence unlike one I have never seen before which affects 4 companies simulaneously OR 3 companies have been manipulated at the same time to make things appear a certain way. I have not seen a reasonable explanation for the jump in Noront Aug.5 with high volume. I have not seen a reasonable explanation for probe, metallex, and white pine resources to simultaneously move up with high volume a few days after Noront did. You can say, "well ,probe and their gold property... and probe got to keep all the chromite bla bla bla. But I ask you why did MTX and WPR move with probe during the same time. What was the cause of this? It is only when I saw the link in the most recent Noront NR that I was able to connect some "potential dots." I provided you the link to the Noront site. Compare this very carefully with the probe map.

Also, to show you the little piece of claim that is JV'd with MTX/WPR I am providing this link to you: Look carefully at Probe's land the diagional strip NW of the eagles nest and pay careful attention to the tiny navy blue with diagonal grey stripes piece which is the JV property of MTX/WPR.

Here is a map showing you probe's diagonal piece NW of the eagles nest. You are unable to see the MTX/WPR on this map. You will have to refer to the intierra map above to see this. The MTX/WPR is located right smack where the potential extention of fault line intersects probe's property. Pay attention to what looks like a boot in the location where the potential extention of Fault zone hits probe. MTX/WPR JV is located on the toe of the boot.

When I looked at this probe drawing and noticed the diagonal line called Potential Extention of Fault line I thought about Noront's NR today.

The link shows 13 holes yet to be reported on. I looked at 10-99, 10-1G187 & 10-1G188. I noticed that these holes appear to be testing the potential extention of the fault zone shown in the probe map above when you look at the pattern of these holes. If these holes were positive then it would impact on Probe's piece of land to the left.

When you look at the potential Ext. fault line, MTX/WPR has a small claim wedged right where this line intersects probe's diagonal property. Probe, MTX, WPR all started running about the same time days after NORONT went up suddenly on high volume. There has been no NR's(SIMULTANEOUSLY) from PRB, WPR or MTX to explain their recent price moves. So, we wonder.

Because of the timing of the runs of these neighbours and Noront's sudden unexplained August 5 move with 2,444,865 being traded (stock opened 1.18 , with high 1.45 , low, 1.14 close of 1.39)

Now when did probe start to move on volume. It started Aug.10. 5 days after Noront went boom for some reason.

Now look at MTX- August 9 volume was almost double the previous day's volume.

Now look at WPR August 10, 3x the normal volume was traded that day.

The evidence here shows a good possibility that Noront found something fairly decent in those holes and could be a reason why the claims in it's path started to run.

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