Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Dear Cannacord,

WE know you are listening. We understand you bought Genuity. We were just wondering when you will come out with your revised... cough cough... report.

As we understand it, the price last year was $1.58 in Feb. 2, 2010 and you came out with a report with something to the effect of $3.50.

remember this:

The results are incrementally positive, but do not impact our valuation. These infill drill holes at Eagle’s Nest continue to document high-grade massive sulphide zones that appear to have good vertical continuity. We value Noront on a DCF8% conceptual direct-shipping model for 2.4mt of high-grade massive sulphides to derive our target price of $3.50. We continue to recommend NOT as a BUY.

We were all scratching different parts of our body trying to figure out why the price was $1.58 and you were seeing $3.50 and yet ...the big selling by you. If memmory serves us correctly you dumped over 1 million shares when you were telling us to buy. Remember mon- Cherie? Now I don't want to speculate but you weren't by chance getting me to buy while you were selling because you had advance notice of the blockade that was coming? No, I refuse to believe it. I was told by someone that all Anal-ists are honest.

So, Candid Cannacord, when are you going to come to me with your bash. I know you want to buy my shares just like in Feb. when you so desparately wanted to sell to me.

When is your love note coming mon-cherie?

Kind Regards,


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