Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to notster's message

Retail investors look for something to catch their attention and not necessarily whether that item has much validity or not. Hence many are prone to over react or over simplify.

Most of the sp action comes from, to coin a label, "professional" investors. They are more prone to look at what assets the company has in objective terms or at least what is the potential for assets. After that, what is the potential for income from those assets. It matters little if you have great assets if the potential for profiting from them is small in chance or dollar value.

For instance, chrome.
Small market, so you can not sell much of it in any given year. If you can not sell much then there is no need to produce much. Hence build a smaller mine and operate it for a longer time.
But there is a catch.
If the market is so small that the sale of the production from it is also small then you mostly use the profits to pay back the interest on the loan to build the mine, what good is it? Exaggerated example but valid none the less.

Noront went after FWR for their chromite because it is counter productive to develop the
chromite deposits separately in the ring of fire when the market for that production is small.

To let things lie would mean that Noront's chromite would be overshadowed by the neighbour, should they build a mine first, resulting in being useless to Noront for perhaps decades. There can be no other reason for the action ( other than economy of combined scale) and I suggest that it is a waste of time to dwell on other possibilities.

So I suggest that too many here harp too much about the chrome in relation to the nickel associated deposits. There is good reason why Chromite and AT12 area are considered secondary by the company relative to the Eagle's nest.
So please place your full attention on the Eagle's nest and do not be side tracked by the
secondary exploration or posts relating to that.

As sum4all & notster posted earlier, you have been expecting certain events to surface relating to the nickel deposit ( i.e. conduit between the former lenses ). That has been verified BUT instead of leaping from joy due to the assumption being finally verified, what do we get - Practical silence.

The so called 'pencil" in the graphical appearance of the resource does not mean it is pencil shaped. That graphic just shows what we know NOW with certainty.

Simple annology: If you looked at an approaching car at night would you call it an invisible beast with glowing eyes.
Well so it is with the graphic of our nickel resource. You see a small portion which is known, and it is along the length of drill holes, hence it's apparent shape. The rest of the body is unknown and we can only speculate on its existance, size and shape.

Finally there is an element that wants you, or at least those new to this stock ( sum's donkeys ), to be distracted from the main theme. They want your shares at a nice price which otherwise are hard to obtain. Your lossing your focus plays into their scheme. Normally I would not care for it presents an opportunity to me also to obtain more cheap shares, however I have spent all my ready cash so I can no longer partake.

On that note, do not blane some here that initially seeing FWR shares being priced below the 4:1 ratio sold NOT, bought FWR and now that FWR is higher than that ratio, they switch back. I wish I had the foresight or the nerve to play it that way. I do to a small degree, but playing only with a small portion with my hold, being safe not to gamble too much and am envious of those who pull it off at large. They are to be admired instead of demeaned.

Lets see some more logical thinking ( per professional investors ) instead of reacting to
emotions. Ed G.

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