Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

It wasn't too long ago that everyone was drooling for a connection between anomalies/pods/lenses. A conduit which, even though narrow or pencil like, would certainly add to valuable tonnage. That connection would rocket the price, even bring us dangerously close to "critical mass" right? (that critical mass term is getting a little tread bare :) ) So now we have this "pencil" which is still undefined in dimension but nontheless adding to tonnage but.... it's not good enough to some. Now it's only a pencil and too difficult/expensive to mine into it's depths? We need to find more close to the surface etc. etc. ? This is like the proverbial carrot and the donkey. We never seem to get to that carrot. We can never walk far enough. We need to take note of the forces that constantly move that carrot away from us and recognize how far we have traveled. While we the donkeys keep walking seemingly unrewarded, there are those sizing us up to add to their farm. It is desireable to have us distracted and thinking that we need to keep walking as we are unwittingly loaded onto a truck. Be careful where that carrot takes you.

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