Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Given the late day High Volume Sell Off on Wednesday the Exchange had plenty of time to contact the TWO Co CEO's seeking Guidance. Had they not received that Co CEO Guidance NOT would have been Halted prior to the Open on Thursday. it is that plain and Simple.

Then to have Noront's IR reply to a simple inquiry in which the IR saw fit to make mention of a JV Partner having made a Very Significant Positive NR on a JV Property Drill Program and make it sound as if there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING Noront needed to be concerned about and thus "Business as Usual", meaning nothing coming from Noront on a Significant NR on a JV Property from a JV Partner, clearly indicates to me that both Noront Resources Co CEO's AND the Exchange feel that what ever Noront Resources Co CEO's told the Exchange in response to the Exchange's inquiry on the VERY UNUSUAL VERY HIGH Volume had nothing to do with anything the CoCeo's were awear of with respect to the ongoing Business of Noront Resources. Thus, the Co CEO's have to be on record with the Exchange on this matter.

But for the Exchange to not request that a simple Coroprate Statement not be Published to this effect has to make EVERY ONE Wonder. And for the Co CEO's to not make such a simple statement public with or with out prompting by the Exchange also has to make EVERY ONE Wonder.

However, if the Co CEO's were to have assured the Exchange that they were in the middle of conducting some VERY Significant Corporate Business which could be Prejudiced or Significantly Hampered if they were forced to make any Public Statement respecting the BURST in Trading of Noront Resources Shares, then the Exchange may well have agreed to allow Noront's Co CEO's to reframe from making any kind of Public Statement.

But yet again, if some rather large Noront Share Holder got wind of the inner workings of some Significant Corporate Business prior to it's being concluded and chose to either: Blow Out their Shears as a demonstration of protest to such a piece of Significant Corporate Business,demonstrating their profound dissagreement with the essence of just such a probable Significant Corporate Decision/Deal (and most here recall how a large SH of BMK did just such a Shear Blow Out last year and how Rosseau was said to be willing to do the same with NOT if the Dissadents did not get their way at the last AGM), OR: the same rather large Noront Share Holder, Knowing the Game Plan the Dissadents were pursuing but eventually lost faith in their seeing the agreeded Game Plan suceed and/or saw fit to make a new silent deal with a New Entity to sell out, thus breaking ranks with the other Proxy Dissadents, Then the Exchange has much to look very closely into as the Trading action of the past day and a half has Material Meaning for Noront Resources going forward and is based on Inside Knowledge of some Significant sort.

In any event, the Trading Action over the past day and a half is of Significant Importance to Noront Resources and the NORMAL COURSE OF ACTION would be for Noront Resources to have made a Public Statement on the VERY UNUSUAL Trading Action!

Now we also await the Normal again!


Old Joe

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