Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Back in the day we had miningjunkie leading all of us neophytes to understand just how significant this find was. He, when speaking of RN and JH, said, "This is either going to be a most significant find or these two men are going to jail."

Well, RN and JH are NOT in jail, so what was the other choice again?

He cheerlead us to buy, buy, buy, and bragged about his holdings. Then he began to slowly inject the fear, and went on and on about "true widths" ad nauseum. Then he told us the stock was going down. Amazingly accurate too. Amazing in the self-fulfilling prophecy way: kinda like predicting "You will suffer a violent injury in the near future" and then stabbing that person in the chest. Not really an act of prognostication.

Then we had others saying "We need a new CEO" and also it was presented as tongue-in-cheek, devil's advocate stuff, it wasn't long before that came true too.

When we were upset about the proxy war and how they wanted to show RN the door, the slick communicators began saying "Don't get all upset, don't let emotion cloud your judgment. A change might help us. Don't be hasty about passing judgment".

When they said we couldn't win, that they had the numbers on their side, that was a lie too.

When we feared the direction the new BoD was going to take, we were told to "Give them a chance".

When we questioned the silence about Windfall, we were told to have some patience, the 52 oz/tonne weren't going anywhere. Look what that's got us so far.

When we fretted about the possibility of our new BoD helping themselves to cheap options, we were told we were jumping the gun. Huh, remind me again how that one ended?

All the previous actions built up hostilities, and we were chastised to "Be nice to the new BoD" and we obliged. Didn't help now, did it?

When we discussed the possibility of Agoracom being given the boot, we were called reactionary and it wasn't until it happened that others said "Well, you KNEW it was coming, so what's the big deal?"

So, my point is, who is it that is REALLY and TRULY giving us the gears here? There is still a lot of soft propaganda being pedalled, and while I am in complete agreement that if any actions be taken by the shareholders, it must be very carefully planned out to not have negative consequences, I refuse to be silenced with what amounts to extortionary tactics.

But don't expect me to sit here and take it lying down. There is a difference between a foolish, emotionally charged mob mentality and the implied threat that if we do anything anything AT ALL, we will suffer even more with the stock price, squarely placing the blame on us. Odd, really, as we as a group have done more to spread the story than any other entity.

There are a lot of headgames being played...time to fight back. You can bet your bottom dollar that me and my trusted compatriots will be putting our heads together and strategizing, and we won't be sharing that info on the forum, so no need to worry about the negative impact that might have on the SP. This is about fair treatment for ALL shareholders, it isn't a vendetta or a grudge match.

My rant for the evening.

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