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I fail to understand

why it is folks feel the need to inform us that the "deal is done"?

Unless they are privy to inside information ( illegal) then they are merely offering their best guess, as opposed to the boldly stated manner in which they present this "fact".

Why does it even matter at this point? For those who haven't sold, it makes little difference now. The only decision they will have to make in the next two days is to sell on the open market, or wait until their shares are converted to CLF, if this is the case.

And if the "deal is done" rhetoric is knowingly false, then aren't the forces that be trying to get more retail shares in their possession? And if so, you gotta wonder if it's because there's money to be made in doing so.

It still would seem the push is on to get as many last minute shares sold in a state of panic, is the only conclusion I can arrive at.

And after all, if a person simply wants notoriety for having been right about predicting the outcome, well, I gotta say, there's only two choices, 50/50 chance of being right as well as being wrong.


over 14 years ago
Re: Fortune favors the bold(brave,strong and maybe stupid!)

LOL lethal...I hear you, loud and clear.

Brings to mind the wisdom that many a stock guru would dispense, namely, to be successful in the market, one must not follow the crowd, which is actually a lot more difficult that it would seem on the face of things.

On the other hand, sometimes the crowd is right, as in, when they flee a burning theatre en masse.

Like I said in a previous post, I believe most of retail has sold at this point,or hedged their bets and taken most off the table, so if the "against" vote prevails, then CLF won't have as difficult time garnering a victory the second time around.

A real nail-biter, that's for sure.


over 14 years ago
Re: If "against" prevails, is Mac contractually free to solicit offers?

You put forth a couple of interesting ideas.

If, as you outline in your first scenario, that CLF might get caught in an ever-escalating effort to satisy the demands of shareholders, even for 25 more cents, I tend to think this may not be as much of a threat as one would think.

25 cents in gains would be huge, in the eyes of the arbitrage houses who have been accumulating of late. And who have they been accumulating from? Retail.

It seems reasonably obvious that a large percentage of retail has sold out their positions at this point, even as evidenced by public statements on this forum. They voted "Against" and then they sold.

Ergo, these same impassioned indivivuals who believed so much in the future value of FWR, and put up a fuss about the highway robbery of a dollar offer, are gone. They won't need to be dealt with in the weeks to come; very few stalwarts will remain.

It will be, by and large, institutions and arbitrageurs and emotionally distant swing traders who will be the kind of folk CLF has to contend with. And I think they'd be more than happy with 25 cents.

Your second idea also holds merit; if after a brief hiatus and cooling-off of the SP, we may see an "improved" offer, perhaps not even for more money, (or if so a negligible amount) but I think this next time around CLF may try to gauge more accurately what it is the majority shareholders actually want. And if the majority of shareholders happens to be arbitrageurs, then they will be considerably easier to please than retail.

Either way, it seems like pesky retail has been eliminated from the equation. But don't worry, if a full-scale bidding war does take place, retail will be invited back, a little late to the party,but they will be lured when necessary to inflate price, and spooked out when they're not welcome anymore.


over 14 years ago
Re: Going once....going twice....

I'm not disputing the change in value since the offer occurred: as of this date, NOT's offer has also lost ground.

Perhaps my logic is misplaced, invalid, erroneous, poorly contemplated....and if so I'm just wasting time. I was thinking of the value from a retroactive perspective.

However, if NOT offered the equivalent of their original deal, 86 cents cash, and the new FWR, that would be a horse of a different color.

But even I see the weaknesses in what I've said, so I don't see the point of my continued debate!


over 14 years ago
Re: Going once....going twice....

Hmmm...a thought just occurred to me. CLF has said they will best all offers, is that retroactive?

I mean, in the time that they first tabled their offer, and countered with Noront, etc, their offer has lost ground.

And Quest alone is worth millions and millions...factor that into the equation and it is irrefutable that NOT's offer is now superior.

Boy oh boy, the powers that be could sure have some good fun with this if they were so inclined.

over 14 years ago
Going once....going twice....

as the gavel is raised, and the auctioneer gazes round the room to see if there are any other bidders, as even he doesn't want to bring the hammer down and say the words "Sold!".

That's what this NR reminds me of. A wake up call to the majors. The host of the festivities is getting his guests their coats and holding the door open for them as if to say "Party's over, folks, you take care now....buh bye"

What's really funny ( funny like a heart attack) is that Noront's bid is actually superior now....I thought I'd never say the words.

Some kind soul earlier calculated the value of the offer at 90 cents as of today. If that is correct, then Noront's offer of 86 cents and FWR gets to keep their other properties is far, far superior.

Wouldn't that be an interesting twist of fate? Noront has maintained they would not raise their offer, what if they merely re - presented the old one?

I daresay many a shareholder would be sorely tempted by that offer now....interesting how things change.


over 14 years ago
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