Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)


I agree that none of us should be surprised that Parisotto and Hamilton and the Bod dropped Agoracom and that we all knew it was coming. We also knew that the "big" shareholders wanted Nemis out and that they achieved what they set out to do. But I truly fail to see what the new BoD has achieved since then.

You say it's your understanding that the institutions are happy with the new BoD. I would really like to know why. What do they know that we don't? And isn't that primarily what this is all about? Are we supposed to support them blindly? Do they have a plan? I'm not naive enough to think that we should know everything that they're doing or how strategically they want to deal with prospective buyers, but as I said to both Parisotto and Hamilton at PDAC - they had a unique opportunity when they came on board to enlist the support of the Agoracom retail community. But they weren't smart enough. And they didn't do it. I have lots of opinions about that.

I also don't understand how we have co-ceos each spending 2 days at the office - what kind of an effective business management structure is that? Aren't we in the middle of major prospective takeover developments? Isn't the Ring of Fire a target for companies from all over the world? Isn't consolidation or amalgamation a huge play right now between many companies up there?

I don't believe the IR firm has anything to do with the current situation. Joanne Jobin whether you like her or not, is doing the job she was hired to do. Unfortunately, the new Bod has created an environment where sides have been taken and battle lines drawn. They didn't need to do that. Ridiculous marketing strategy on their part.

And as you suggested, I have taken a deep breath and analyzed my position. Who the hell am I to take a shot at a post from d12. Well I am someone who has a serious investment in Noront and other RoF companies and I am seriously upset when someone tells me to just have faith. I have a right as a shareholder to be kept up to date with the activities of a company that I have put a lot of money into and I refuse to be treated with arrogance and disdain.

Derek, your opinion has always factored greatly in my decision making process, but I am truly tired of the lack of respect that we are receiving from the present Bod. Perhaps you and some others are privy to more information than I am but I feel really out in the dark. Believe me, I have not lost sight of the fact that this is all about making money. Unfortunately, right now I don't feel sure that we necessarily have the right management making decisions for us. There are a number of posters who keep telling us that the previous management wasn't making the right decisions. Well at least we knew what the hell was going on. I'll take Richard Nemis any day.

Perhaps things will change - we aren't all emotional nitwits - as I also said to Paul and Joe - and by the way I spoke to them separately -they may not like a lot of what is said on this board, but it is big enough and strong enough that when someone is out of line and misrepresenting facts, or silly speculation is being posted, others jump in and straighten them out.

This forum is a unique phenomenon and I want to thank George for changing the future of shareholder investing with his Agoracom internet exposure to the amazing opportunities as well as the vagaries of public companies. The investing world has changed forever and we have been part of if with our Noront proxy battle. The future remains to be seen.

I would be the world's happiest person if I am proven wrong with the current Board.

Show me the money.


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