Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
over 15 years ago
in response to Sudbury Novice's message

It comes as no surprise, this latest announcement. They now have control. We as retail could buy up all the shares we could afford, but in the end, those who now have control will not let it go. So in effect, retail will only be buying from other retail.

Contol is a big thing. What do they really control. Well, for starters, they control the media.....the news....the results.....even the rumors.....the share price....and above all, what price we will be taken out at.

I have noticed a huge difference in the tone of the news releases....take the Windfall story for instance. We still have no actual drill results.....just a bunch of vague statements leading us to beleive the project was just a big waste of money.....that is quite the promotion. Keep in mind one of the other players involved here....FWR. It is not enough for this new management to want to control NOT....they also indirectly control the share price of all the other players in the ROF....the question whose benefit?

At the same time that they will do nothing to promote their stock (which may inadvertently benefit other area players), some of these other players are doing everything to try to promote an attempt to try to keep their stock price from falling......I have to say, FWR has so far done a fine job at keeping their stock price at a respectable level through all this....not to mention everything else going on in the economy.

Now, before I go onto my next point, I will state for the record that I do own a fair number of shares of NOT, FWR, BMK, KWG, FNC, UC, PRB....from largest investment to lowest.

The end game....NOT wants to control the other significant players. FWR has become a force to recon with. FNC and PRB are just sitting with their properties and cash....conserving their cash....waiting on NOT and FWR to prove up more....knowing that in the end they will benefit as matter how long it takes. We could probably add BMK to that as well....I beleive that last I've heard from them is that they will not be doing any more drilling in the ROF for now and will be spending their money elsewhere. UC, KWG, SPQ continue to add a bit to the mix with their joint venture and appear to be clinging to the coattails of FWR more rather than NOT.....hoping to benefit from the success of FWR....a good move I think.

I'm sure there are a multitude of negociations going on behind the scenes.....negociations with larger players.....with othe ROF companies.....perhaps with native groups and government officials....

There is a plan I'm sure....some end game

Regardless of all the DD we could possibly do, we as retail will always be at a disadvantage.....not knowing for sure just what exactly this end game is.

So we have our own plans....mine is to keep my core more on dips and sell on rallies.....and hopefully make a nice profit on my core holdings when this eventually gets taken out.

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