Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to joe's message

Good Evening All, just got in from playin in the frosty air all day away from the computer, fire er up and WTF is going on, whats this sh$t no trading today, apparently the TSX.s having a little performance problem, there's medicine for that Really though what the hells going on, No excuse for this crap in this day and age, Hardwares just hardware and lord knows they make enough dough to buy truckloads of it and can employ the elite of IT security specialists and tecnicians, and one would hope that with a system so important to our country there had better be at a minimum dual selfcontained backup systems running in clean rooms with filtered air powered by standalone dual backup generator systems separate from the building envelope. Let this be a wake up call to the morons running the show, heads should roll over this , there quite simply is no excuse. Put the fn systems in place this craps got to stop, watch, we’ll get an announcement blaming some vaque technical glitch. And I sure as H hope they’ve been backing up hourly not daily. lol probably udated service pack 3 and everthing crashed. This craps no different than Bank debit machines going down etc. pure bs in my mind. I am pissed and don’t mind saying so and from the posts I’ve read so far most of you are.. Perhaps as one poster eloquently put it, this is merely a complicite orcastration designed to further the cause, sort of a Canadian intervention of sorts, if so we should be assamed and heads should roll as a result. Heads have to roll period this lack of control of our systems is way out of control. Now that I’ve vented my thoughts on this deplorable situational comedic joke of a supposedly “oh yeah we’re secure” system I’ll move on.

Post CEO lecturing of the masses on the ins and outs ( windfall ) of NOT current state of affairs I must say they left very little for my salivation glands to induce my jaw to chew on. Come on Guys. Really, your efforts essentially gave investors very little to go on. You can do better, even if you don't want to let the cat out of the bag. If you’re going to throw a bone to the dog, throw a bone, not a rawhide chew. However giving them the benefit of the doubt, I guess there’s many factors which no doubt are effecting the BODs change in direction: the BODs learning curve has come full circle from that nagging conscience sitting on their shoulders whispering in their ears….. ROI, ROI, ROI and the plethora of phone calls from interested (signed confidentiality agreements) parties, in particular those of the Chrome persuasion have been intensly instrumental in shaping the psyche of the BOD, so much so as they’ve put them selves on record as having shelved Windfall to focus on the Nickle—Chromite…..wait for it……EXPANSION! Yes its happening at this very second, the diesels scream away in the frosty air, every second that steel sits on top of a target pumping pipe and driving bits into the ground we as shareholders by the very act of buying our shares on the open market have ensured our place in history as being a true investor of NORONT Resources, holder of the RING.

I look forward to the dated assays (all assays take too long and I want that info now. Its my right as a shareholder…lol..) we all feel that way these days, yes, they will eventually show their faces and reveal all, (when it fits the BODplan), and they will be most welcomed when they do arrive, I await more visuals from Eagle One-level 2, our Blackbirds and AT12 (wish they would give it a name) as well as more information from our JV partners on our numerous claim units residing over the RFI (Ring of Fire Intrusion). All jokes aside and all the P&Mn’ on the back burner, the general concern by the collective here on this forum is predominately the apparent lack of transparency by the New BOD. They are new, they are not virgins, our BOD (Hamilton for CEO anyone?) knows full well the tone of the board here as they use this board as a tool in gauging retail sentiment, but also I’am sure it used as a reliable ( watch dog ) tool monitored by many looking for potential postings with embedded insider leaks of information, information which could potentially create a hot water situation for NOT. This in my opinion could be the reason for certain posts disappearing. …sensitive material making it to the masses if you like. I may be chastised for saying so. Maybe NOT!

Let me go on record that in light of the current state of affairs the world over, the soon to be New President Obamas’ inauguration and his change in policies regarding infrastructure spending, I concur with the BODs current direction, why, first of all the golds in the ground not going anywhere, sitting, waiting to hear the percussion of drills, in reality all it takes to get this stuff out of the ground is a simple phone call to activate crews, with a gold mill a mere good runs distance right close complete with trucks waiting it would not surprise me the least to find out that there is an agreement in place to process our mineral for fee. Kinross’s out there , so’s Barrick, line em up, we know they are signed up , we know they are very interested, the hole areas’ a prolific gold zone and I think the recent fundraising by the mill owner verifies the same , could also be a potential “tell” to the future of Windfall depending on how you read through the lines. You know,…. it takes time to do the type of deals we need to happen here especially when the one entity you want to deal with on a particular piece of property is also tied to your hip on another, everythings got to be just right , t’s crossed, I’s dotted, no room for fups , the only way to play and I am sure Richard would back me up on that one..

I also look forward to an announcement of continued Eagle One research, detailed research, as P&E says in the report we now need advanced geotechnical, hydrological and metallurgical test work completed to further this project to the next stage, assays are so damn important at this stage in the game . EXPANSION of known resources. Xsrata’s Stratcona Mill in Sudbury is mentioned in the report as being a cost saver scenario in which mining and direct shipment of massive sulfide resources will generate high cash flows. This is for the Nickle, NOT the Chromium , chromium is the next BIG thing. In a few weeks time I expect there will be a few hypothesis on tonnage of chromite to start with then hopefully more news releases with confirmation of some serious numbers regarding the massive tonnage of the Chromium deposits , I am sure this is being worked on as I type this. In fact i'ma sure there are a few members quite adept at the calculator with a good idea so far. Mac wants to see ( I want to see) ( They....want to see) that 100 Million tons on paper and I know NOTs going to help him get there.

Enjoyed your post Cos, literally scared the s$it out of me. Hopefully he’s riding the wrong wave link.

JOE: Please tell us you wife’s name. As with many others here on this forum, My thoughts are with you and your family JOE, best wishes to you and yours.

Warmest regards this Holiday Season


I hope they’ve been backing up........ night all

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