Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
Replay audio AGM
almost 16 years ago

amazing how these folks have come (or should I say crawled) out of the woodwork in the past four weeks. There is a definite trend to their posts( follow their trails) and that is anytime there is a negative or questioning comment re the deal or the new BOD Rosseau or Irwin these people ride in and try to bludgeon the poster. Their comments never have any substance nor invoke a discussion.

One of the great attributes that we have had these past few years has been our ability to focus on the facts and to generate discussion. We have not always agreed with each other, and it sometimes got testy, but we have always endeavoured to maintain our respect for the rights of the individuals to have their opinions. All we asked was that they make their case and wherever possible back it up with facts. Sure some of us ( me included) got carried away with our enthusiasm for Richard and the company, kinda hard not to. However as a community we came together always for the good of NOT and more importantly our investment. Lets not lose any of what we gained through the manipulations of some new posters.

Enough on the above , just felt it had to be said.

As for the AGM sad as it was to see Richard leave he didn't go out a pauper, they wont need to hold a flag day for him. Richard received a good package, in addition he is still around and more importantly he is a shareholder. I seriously doubt that he will not want to capitalise on his investment. What Richard achieved for us will never be forgotten he brought a penny junior to a point where it will become a known name in the anals of junior mining.

The new BOD deserve to be given a chance to move us forward they however will only be able to do this if the drills keep turning and we or another junior find the elusive motherlode. Sure there is no question that we have a mine with chromium but chrome isn't nickel or copper and thats what we need if we are to maximise the potential.

Will anything happen in the next year, who knows but my gut tells me we're going to see a whole lot of conslidation, BMK, SPQ, TME , FNC , FWR all come to mind as possible targets. In order to achieve this we will most likely see share dilution maybe up to 50mill but I don't see them go much beyond that. Someone mentioned that a reverse split might happen. I seriously doubt that will happen right away, what we might see is ,if they acquire these other companies they may elect to roll it all up into a new company and offer that to a major as a completed package. Whatever they do we as shareholders need to be vigilant to ensure the retail intersts are not undersold.

These are just my thoughts, who the hell has a crystal ball if we did we would have sold out at $7 and bought in at 66c. I am holding all of my shares until my gut tells me it's time to move on and hopefully that will be with a large profit.

GLTA NOT shareholders


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