Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

A few thoughts:

There are a few things that keep me up at night these days... my oldest child hollering for mama, the stock market, this proxy fight, and the thought of a poster named mrs.cwallace showing up on this forum. She threatened to do this two nights before last.

Should mrs wallace arrive... my gut would say be kind, but in honesty, let her have it... I say to anyone here who voices an opinion on this stock, if your DD isn't done, you will know it quickly..

And before those who may call us permabulls speak up, there are somethings inherent in our finds that only a little bit of research would uncover. I'm not asking for technical trading advise or market savy, just for common shareholders to get an idea of what we are trying to do at NOT.... to understand why many here think this is going to be special...

Sure we could all be fools... sure we could all be permabulls, sure we all may drink from the same koolaid, but there may be something else... we may actually have an incredicble company here... something to be permabullish about. Not a company of which to promise unrealistic expectations, but a company to support and be along for the ride.

My point, as much as I'd like everyone to treat my significant other well, and for that matter any newbie... if she gets out of line, coach her back. In time, I'm sure she will do the same.

On to NOT.

We are at risk of any news establishment supporting Rousseau, whether it's newspaper, magazine, online or tv....simple, who is more likely to pay for advertising, NOT or Rousseau, hint, it isn't NOT .

I wouldn't be surprised if any news company agreed to write a favorable news article for Rousseu, with the presumption advertising dollars would be spent later. I'm not going to point fingers... it's good business for the advertising company. And really it is reporting... whatever the angle. I think we all agree much of what is reported to us has an agenda... whether it's to prop the market up, get us scared or greedy, or to believe our banks are all solvent.

On that note, why doesn't anyone care about CMHC's $25billion purchase of mortgages from Canadian banks last week? All that was reported is we are the strongest in the world... I suspect CMHC didn't buy the good mortgages... that's not good business for the banks getting rid of good mortgages... that leaves us with cmhc buying non performing or risky mortgages. Perhaps our banks aren't bullet proof afterall. Just an observation. And why doesn't anyone give a shit about this $25 B? granted it's not 700B or 1.8Trillion.

As for NOT, we need something substantial that will change our top shareholders opinion of Nemis and Co. A few hints, continue to follow Rousseau's game plan... tie up FWR specifically and get a major involved with the FWR/ NOT team. I concede, I own 20k shares of FWR, pittance compared to my NOT holding... I wish I owned more of both, but the taps have run dry in the last few weeks.

Getting a major on board, and tying up imo the best other company in the ring will get attention... that is leadership. That is substantial, and that will set the stage for the mega project. Via fwr, we get the spq, kwg jv, and certainly a gold company spin off between windfall and clarence stream.

With a major on board, we get more cash, albeit at a reduced price then many would like... and we get there credibility, especially if it is one of our nickel giants... Falconbridge's successor would be fine with me.

After that, Rousseau would have little to do... and all us retail would have what I think many of us want at this point... the ticket to taking NOT to the next level. Having the major on board, for expertise, street credit, and money in the bank would be immense.

I suppose if any of this happend, Rousseau would have quasi co- managed this, regardless of the outcome of the proxy... perhaps the proxy just forced the hand if you will. Obviously Rousseau's proxy fight have compromised our negotiating position should we cut a deal... but, i also think it's fair to assume any deal we may or may not see would have been in the works for months.

Like D12, I am all for Nemis, but realise if the chips fall elsewhere, we have to continue to remain active as shareholders, and be all over Rousseau, and company's ass to do what we want. That means continue calling and getting updates, and doing whatever, if anything, us retail can do to support this great find.

I am optimistic we can win... thank you for all who have supported this battle... lets keep it going.

all the best with 11 days to go



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