Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

I can understand that many are uncomfortable with the suspicious absense of everything Windfall. Some speculate that the silence is due to positive developments (spin-off, optioning, sale etc) while others are a little more pesimistic and understandably so in the current climate, that recent bulk sampling and possible assays are disappointing. (If the later is the case and it is deemed that our S/P has suffered because of this, I will be at the front of the line berating management because as an owner of this company, I have the same rights as the big boys - or should have) However, I do not feel that that will be the case.

Over the past decade or so, Noront has punched over 300 holes in OUR Windfall property. Many of these intercepts have returned significant grades of gold. Below is a Windfall MD&A highlight from July 31, 2006: (I appologize for the font and table. Hopefully you can see past it - Cheers, Milsy1)

1. Windfall Lake Project, Urban Township, Quebec

This project covers two adjacent claim blocks of which Noront holds a 100% interest subject to some Net Smelter Royalties (NSRs). The Windfall Lake block consists of 33 claims encompassing 528 hectares (1,320 acres), and the Alcane block of 57 claims comprising 912 hectares (2,280 acres). Numerous diamond drill holes were completed on this project with a number of significant gold intercepts. A detailed study of all diamond drilling done to date on the Windfall Lake project was completed by the Company’s “qualified person”. As a result of this study, further fieldwork was recommended to assess the economic potential of the high grade gold intersections previously encountered in the most recent drill programs. The focus of the current work at Windfall Lake is to further assess an 800-metre-square block immediately east of the original Alto Showing where the best gold mineralization intersected to date has been encountered. This mineralized block is open in all directions. Since exploration drilling commenced in 1998, some 80 drill holes totalling 16,345 metres have been completed with 27 significant gold intersections being reported down to a maximum vertical depth of 450 metres. Gold intersections reported to date vary considerably in width and grade with wide drill hole sections up to 22.89 grams per ton over 9.4 metres and narrow sections up to 383 grams per ton over a one-metre interval have been reported by previous operators. Results to date warrant continuing exploration to assess the economic potential of the property close to surface by attempting to establish sufficient reserves for narrow, high-grade mining or wide, low

grade reserves for bulk mining. An independent detailed study including all of the adjoining Murgor Resources Ltd. data is being finalized. The study, it is hoped, will assist the company in further exploration.....

The Windfall Lake project has advanced beyond a grass-roots development opportunity. John Harvey, P. Eng., formerly President of Noranda Explorations, was appointed Manager of this project. He has recommended that a detailed study be conducted using all drilling and trenching data to help determine the complexity of the deposit and assist in further diamond drilling. The Company has collaborated with Murgor Resources Inc. (MUG: TSX.V) and Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (FWR: TSX.V) who have agreed to provide all of their drilling data on their adjacent project to be included in this detailed study. The study is expected to be completed in the near future.


Also, like myself, many long - longs will remember well the following N/R from December 1, 2006. For those of you who have joined us later and have not read this historic release, enjoy:

TSXV Trading Symbol

: NOT December 1st, 2006


NORONT RESOURCES LTD. (NOT-TSX-V) is pleased to announce the following results from diamond drilling on its wholly owned Windfall Lake property in Urban Township, Quebec.

The fall 2006 drilling program has been completed with 12 drill holes totaling 3297.9 meters. The holes tested the mineralized gold zones previously discovered by Noront and warranting further testing as recommended by Tracy Armstrong (a qualified geologist in the province of Quebec) of P&E Mining Consultants (Brampton, Ontario).

The first three holes (NOT 06-97 to 99) failed to encounter any new significant gold mineralization,

however the fourth hole (NOT-06-100) encountered three significant zones of gold mineralization, the best of which covered a total width of 4.80 meters (15.7 feet) consisted of six individual split core samples, two of which contained visible gold. Each of these latter six samples were assayed twice (using two split/separate pulps of the same sample) with the normal fire assay method and a third time (a third split/separate pulp of the same sample) with a metallic screen test. The assayed, weighted average of the three assay tests for the six individual samples over the 4.80 meters (15.7 feet) were; 1792.9 g/t (52.30 oz/t), 800.1 g/t (23.33 oz/t) from the fire assays and 1327.9 g/t (38.74 oz/t) for the metallic screening assay.

For those interested parties who wish to know more about the methodology used in the assaying process, you may contact Bourlamaque Labs of Val d’Or, Quebec.

The remaining 8 drill holes completed (NOT-06-101 to NOT-06-108) are awaiting assay results which are expected before year-end.

Further work at Windfall Lake in 2007 has not yet been planned and will likely not commence before next spring as road access in the area has been severely curtailed for this coming winter due to a slow-down in the logging industry in the area.

The following table lists the new drill holes giving the hole locations, direction and significant assay intervals. True widths of the gold zones being reported is not known at this time.








(meters) METERS FEET g/tonne



NOT-06-97 994W, 688N 150

0 -600

No significant assays

NOT-06-98 1065W, 665N 150

0 -700

No significant assays

NOT-06-99 1320W, 690N 145

0 -750

248.00-249.60 1.60 5.2 F.A. 5.4 .16

NOT-06-100 915W, 550N 150

0 -600

79.40- 80.45 1.05 3.4 F.A. 61.3 1.79

111.50-114.00 2.50 8.2 F.A. 3.5 .10

119.60-124.40 4.80 15.7 F.A. 1792.9 52.30

check assay 119.60-124.40 4.80 15.7 F.A. 800.1 23.33

check assay 119.60-124.40 4.80 15.7 M.A.1327.9 38.74

F.A = Fire Assayed M.A. – Metallic Assayed

Assay samples are taken from (NQ) drill core sawed in half with one half sent to Bourlamaque Assay Laboratory located in Val D’Or, Quebec for assaying. The remaining half core is stored in a secure location for future reference or further testing. The gold assay method uses a 30-gram fire assay with gravimetric finish on each sample. Significantly high assay results are checked by the laboratory by re-assaying additional pulps from the same sample using the fire assay and/or the metallic screening method. Additional checks are carried out normally on pulp duplicates and preparation duplicates. The Bourlamaque Assay Lab also complies with industry approved Certified Reference Material.

Gold assay results as reported to the company are in parts per billion (ppb) and reported publicly by the company in grams per tonne (1000 ppb = 1 gram). Conversion to ounces per ton (oz/ton) on the attached Table employs a factor of 34.285 grams per tonne equaling 1 troy ounce per short ton and core width of significant zones is also give in feet (1.0 meter = 3.28 feet).

John Harvey, P. Eng., is the company’s qualified person for the technical information in this release under National Instrument 43-101 guidelines.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading symbol NOT, with 54,567,692 shares issued to date.

For further information please visit the Company’s web site

or contact

Richard Nemis at 416-864-1456.


“R. Nemis”

President and Chief Executive Officer

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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