Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to positive carry's message

Hi Glenfidish

I think what SN is trying to say is that the dissent alternative is a very real one, but you must consider it in the context of the actual offer perspective.

If you request your certificate and then send it in as dissenting, you have eliminated most , if not all, your other options. You can't can't entertain a new offer......and you have no idea how much you will actually get. If the deal falls apart and WTG pulls their offer you don't have your shares to trade and you are subject to the vagaries of a tumultuos market till you shares are returned. If the offer is accepted and the deal closes , you have no idea how much money you will get and you won't see that money for quite some time.

SN isn't telling you not to be prepared for the worst,...he is suggesting you make sure you know all the sides to your options.


Thanks PC .....this is bang on...

Soon "the company" will start to understand that their proposed merger could get voted down.

Hopefully Fair for all can arrange a sit down face to face meeting before April 7.

Following that meeting one can only hope that the company will make a better offer that will cause the sp of CMM to go up from where it is now.

Then the MIC will come out and we can see their logic including any new drill results they may have.

At that time we will be in a much better position to evaluate our alternatives.

As you say we should keep all our options open.

I agree that we need to consider all our options so we are prepared for what may come...please don't read anything into my comments that is not there.

Thanks again PC


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