KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
Buying In
about 14 years ago
in response to GleeGee's message

Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated. I guess I was had and a bunch of us shareholders who talk to each other via phone decided that we should probably sell on the open market,which we did ,early in the afternoon of July 6th. I have always relied on my broker to give me the straight goods in the past . I was basically told ( an hour after the deadline) that there is no guarantee of anything with these deals. CLF could decide to back out/not take all the shares ,even if tendered by the first deadline ,as they were in control . It was indicated that no one could tell how the SP would hold on the open market in the day(s) after the 6th,so it seemed that the sure bet was to sell and loose the half penny. At that point of time my broker could not give any indication if a deadline extension would ever take place. The half penny is peanuts to me.( I have recovered it( and then some) on my other positions in the past few days. What is troublesome is the way this was all done,with July 1 a holiday in Canada,July 5 a holiday in the US. and CLF holding out on the extension UNTIL tuesday so they could see what was tendered (and bought for them) by the first deadline. Then (AND ONLY THEN ) did they extend the deadline. Maybe these were clever manuevers on the part of the CLF crew. It is not what I would call it. I and my son held in excess of 200,000 shares and it is tempting to rebuy them on monday at .185 if the market allows the opportunity . In that way ,I could still turn around and tender prior to the 16th,( If I so wanted to do)only loosing a total of $19.98 in commision on the initial sell and the new buy. The news today about KWG not tendering puts a new quirk on this whole fiasco . Why did they wait for a whole week before saying this ? I have all weekend to contemplate what I may do come monday A.M. I will call Georgeson shortly. Have a good weekend everybody .

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KWG Resources Inc.
1,140,494,718 FD, Aug 20/16
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