Golden Minerals Company

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in response to bigpic4ever's message

Pic, no offense intended to you or anyone else on this board. I have simply, over the years, observed the postings here and observed what has actually happened. The fact that I disagree with the vast majority politically does not mean I do not like them. The fact that a big percent are paranoid and conspiracy theorist, does not mean that I don't like them. Hell, I ate lunch every day for four years (not every day but frequently) with John Birchers and conspiracy theorists talking about the Rothchilds, the tri-lateral commission, the Kennedy assasination,The New World Order, etc., etc., etc. when I lived in Dallas in the middle 1970's. I have visited Dealy Plaza, I was in the service and was an expert marksman, I have been to the Colony Club, I have studied and read lots of books on the Kennedy assasination. IMO, the FACTS do not support any of these things, as they do not support involvement in 9/ll. The PERCEIVED facts, believed by a lot and maybe most people on this board can be twisted to support these conspiracies, although I do not believe they exist. You say I have soured over the years. Simply not true. I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people on earth to have been born in the United States and had the opportunity to have moderate success. I have wonderful children and grand-children, a beautiful wife, a sound spiritual life, I get to bowhunt in the most beautiful venues on earth as well as flyfish at the same. I can walk out of my office and tee off on one of the best golf courses in the state, I do not have to go to work if I choose not to, and I have the challenge of running three business if I want to be involved. I have not posted much here because I disagree with most of what is posted and would be considered arguementative or basher and I know little of the mining business. I respect most of the people here for their strengths and turn a head to their, imo, weaknesses. I think you are a great trend recognizer, I think argoz is a great numbers man and has taught me a lot about valuation of resources, I respect GWR as much as anyone I have ever visited with (online) and wish I had heeded his advice when he said to sell 1/3 of your position when ecu hit $3.50. Now, the tall, handsome, single didgit golfer, Kings Fan, USC graduate and disciple, Harvard Law guy, just thinks he knows everything.("all hat and no cattle") hmmm, I know people with cattle. Now then, I said I was looking for an exist spot. Right now that does not look too promising. If we get the runnup that everyone is predicting and has predicted forever, I will simply redeploy this capital to a stock that I feel CERTAIN will pay me and my wife a lot of money in our retirement. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go eat the fried chicken buffet at my Country Club. See ya in the funny papers.



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