Golden Minerals Company

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in response to sketch's message

Good points Sketch! I have to agree with you and GWR that this sudden attack on the banksters by the regulators seems awfully suspicious. After all, both Goldman and J.P. Morgan Chase have been the henchmen for the U.S. government for decades. Some might even argue that these two banksters are the U.S. government. Most seasoned investors know Wall Street is manipulated and nothing more than a snake pit of insider trading and fraud. It seems every decade they come up with a new scheme to pillage the short-memoried retail investors out of their hard earned money.

Regardless of what is transpiring behind the scenes, it is most satisfying to GATA and to all us long ECU shareholders that the daily if not hourly silver manipulation is finally being acknowledged by the supposed regulators. Keep in mind though that even a 3 year child could have spotted the gold and silver suppression years ago and for some reason now the U.S. government is finally recognizing it. Still, one cannot help wonder why the sudden change of events and what new scheme is Wall Street on the verge of hatching. It is possible that for once we may find ourselves on the same side of the trade as the "old" manipulators going forward.

Until events unfold further, I am sure many of us have our debts about the sudden credibility of the regulators. It is kind of like Hitler suddenly "seeing the light" and issuing an arrest order for Heinrich Himmler at the end of World War II after years of being on the same side of butchery and mass murder. What would have been the odds?

Slim indeed - VHF


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