Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to madstal's message


Welcome to the forum and congratulations on getting past that very important first hurdle. I remember lurking for a long time before posting anything. Lo and behold, just a year later I've met a great new group of people in real life and have learned more about managing my money in one year than I had in 5 previous - and I take money pretty seriously.

As a 'Hub Leader' I think your post serves as the perfect segue to suggest to to our great group of posters to not always feel the need to post things that are not of value or relevant to GNH.

Trust me when I say I could make humourous one-liners or comebacks, seconding of posts (well said!), cheering posters on and above all....I'd love to tear into great debate about unrelative facts with certain posters, and do it just for sport and do all of these all day long (if I didn't have a life, which contrary to how much I post on this thing - I do).

I don't do any of these because it doesn't add any value to this hub, I think it sets a poor example for others, and I find it to be waste of time scrolling through these types of posts.

In fact, it pains me to write this because it is not contributing of any value to the shareholders of GNH, about GNH.

I am glad to see there is great interest on this hub and I have no doubt that there are plenty of new faces, particularly those that don't even write anything or even have an account registered.

I think the best way to keep the content up to snuff is to try to keep it relevant to GNH at all times. No need to be shy, questions should be encouraged, I (for one) like reading articles about gold, other companies, etc but if you think you might be wasting everyone's time by having them read your post, maybe think twice about writing it?

And as a side note, as far as the Terry person goes - similar to Twilight who may be gone for good - her/his posts were quite valid and I 100% agree that Larry Hoovers reputation is riding on GNH and other stocks that he writes and talks about. Larry agrees with that as well!

I'd gladly welcome a discerning and skeptical shareholder to this hub if they present their arguments tastefully and intelligently (Twilight not always tasteful mind you). It makes for great debate and I see no reason to take an attack on Golden Hope personally.

Frank Candido has never had anything to hide as far as I'm concerned. If someone wants to debate the merits of what GNH is doing, I say bring it on. I like to look at all sides and there isn't enough of that here in my opinion.


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