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Re: today's news...

The only problem with that is the company we are relying on is also a MAJOR junior stock currently trading at .05. Too bad one of the bigger boys in the area didn`t step up and get involved, that would have been more beneficial and likely sent the stock soaring. Rather than the lack lustre performance today.... up to .04 and back down to .025.

Amazing even `good news `somehow is no news for this stock....

over 10 years ago
3 cents - Buying Opportunity or Verge of Bankruptcy?

Well much as I posted over the past 2 years about the continual share price falling of Golden Hope, and glad I sold some at .85 cents, .50 cents, and .30 cents - I also with guarded caution purchased more at lows like .15, .08 and most recently .04 -- now we are hitting all time NEW lows of THREE cents! WOW.

I think EARL has raised A LOT of good dialogue here, and brought up a lot of intelligent points. Not sure why we have all these high payroll people when we can't seem to live up to the dates and have continual delays in various areas.

My personal "3 cents" on this is we are heading out the door, and in a few months this will be bankrupt and maybe the remnants will be picked up by somebody else (probably some of the same people involved in GNH nonetheless) and everybody can hop on the bandwagon and pump it up to artifical highs and speculate away once again.

But then again maybe I'll be wrong, and this is the buying opportunity of a lifetime. So far my prediction of almost 2 years ago is right though...

Best of luck to us holding the bags, those jumping it at the lowest price ever, and those riding 'er until the end (like me).

Have a great weekend, and try not to count the losses.

over 11 years ago
.07 Close -with VISIBLE GOLD - Are you Kidding Me?!

WOW, this stock STILL continues to disappoint some 2 years later! I located a post I made Nov 12/10 - just over (2) years ago...

The point of my post is this ---- I love the positive news here (when it happens), but we also need to protect our "nest eggs" and preserve capital. I just hope people don't ride this all the way back down to .18 and still pump it to be the next big thing.

Finally, I do hope that things work out for all of us, and there are credible reasons explaining everything. So please don't take this post as a pump or and a dump on it. Just food for thought.

Having said that, I know that some will still "bash" my opinion, and explain to me how I should sell, I should't have a non positive anti=pumping position, the sky is the limit, pick out one thing of my post and "correct" me on it, etc, etc. I guess time will tell who was who in the zoo...

Have a good weekend.


What's interesting is people have continued to "pump" this stock since it's high of .98 and now when it is ALMOST a NICKEL - we continue to "reach for the stars". I'd sell, but what's the point this far into it....

almost 12 years ago
Re: really??????????

Sounds like someone is feeling like a SILLY SALLY themselves for buying at .16 yesterday. I bought more yesterday too at that price, based on a good friends recommendation! lol

This stock unfortunately has been in a downward continued trend since 2 years ago when it reached it's peak of near $1. It's either a REAL bargin -or- we all are (I am anyways) losing our shirts on this play.

over 12 years ago
Re: Steady rise continues

Didn't last long - down to .21 LOD and currently at .23

Usually the sell off isn't until Fridays?

over 13 years ago
Sold My Shares - I'm out...

(Not sure what happened to my FIRST post of this, this morning?).

Anyways, sold into the bid .085 and unloaded both my TFSA and CDN account positions. Wasn't a huge holder, but didn't want to become a bagholder either.

As others have stated, weird how those "in the know" are not stepping up to the plate here to advise what the problems are, and why the company is not even responding.

Where there is smoke, there is usually fire...


Madstal - of the Mailroom

over 13 years ago
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