Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

Well much as I posted over the past 2 years about the continual share price falling of Golden Hope, and glad I sold some at .85 cents, .50 cents, and .30 cents - I also with guarded caution purchased more at lows like .15, .08 and most recently .04 -- now we are hitting all time NEW lows of THREE cents! WOW.

I think EARL has raised A LOT of good dialogue here, and brought up a lot of intelligent points. Not sure why we have all these high payroll people when we can't seem to live up to the dates and have continual delays in various areas.

My personal "3 cents" on this is we are heading out the door, and in a few months this will be bankrupt and maybe the remnants will be picked up by somebody else (probably some of the same people involved in GNH nonetheless) and everybody can hop on the bandwagon and pump it up to artifical highs and speculate away once again.

But then again maybe I'll be wrong, and this is the buying opportunity of a lifetime. So far my prediction of almost 2 years ago is right though...

Best of luck to us holding the bags, those jumping it at the lowest price ever, and those riding 'er until the end (like me).

Have a great weekend, and try not to count the losses.

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