Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
almost 13 years ago
in response to Todor777's message

Allthough Teck is a large company , it's basically a family business of the Keevil family . Norman B Keevil III is the Chairman of the Board and his grandson is on the board , they've also got Felix P Chee from the CIC on the board , a plus . Teck has two classes of shares , one type gives you 1 vote , the other type gives you 100 votes per share . The Keevil family has enough shares to vote thru watever they want and they appointed the rest of the board .

I did some quick math , if cuu went down to $.30 EE could buy the rest of the float for about $40M . Chump change for a billionaire .

I'm going to add my thoughts on why Western Civilization as we know it is doomed . We're talking about a mine that might have a hundred year life here and we're concerned whether the mine pays for itself in 4 or five years . The Chinese will scoop up deposits like this as we dicker over IRR and Payback period .

Also in one hundred years the pounds of copper we " Lost " from the revised RE because the grade was low might be considered highgrade so it will get mined eventually .

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