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sid13's Posts


If my communicatin skills are that poor that it was infeerd that i'm a bigot then i'll just stop posting , i don't need the drama in my life . Squissy Banana should come back and I'll exit stage left . I do value others posts so I'll still be reading the board .

I'll post one more thought though along the lines of what i think the board is looking for from previous topics such as EE going private . Hasn't it occured to anyone that our SP will tank if Elmer steps down as CEO .

Au revoir .

almost 13 years ago
Re: The Elephant in the room .

My point was an american civil war will make the problem's in europe [ which we dwell on endlessly ] seem trite . The election is in 2012 .

almost 13 years ago
Re: The Elephant in the room

I respect the man , my point was that his re-election will cause a civil war . Wasn't I clear on that ?

almost 13 years ago
The Elephant in the room .

Is in my opinion Barack getting re-elected , the thought of the U.S.A. being run by a man of colour for another four years will be too much for a large % of americans to take . I hope I'm wrong though .

almost 13 years ago
Drilling ?

Anyone know if they're still drilling ?

almost 13 years ago
The Labour Market must be real tight

From friday's Trail Times

Teck Cominco is looking for qualified individuals in the in the following positions [ millright ,machinist , h.d. mechanic , pipefitter , refrieration mechanic , steamfitter , electrican , intrument mechanic , metal fabricator , boilermaker , ironworker and welder ] . Also , Zelltsoff Celgar is looking for intrument mechanics . If I were just out of highschool or younger I'd enroll in a Pre- Ap course .

In a related story , Teck has donated $1M to Elkford's new community center which will have a 300 person banquet room called " The Teck Room " . Teck sure stands above the Haliburtons of the world .

almost 13 years ago
Trail B.C.
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